Chapter 2: I Knew You Would Love It Here

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Palutena and Pit were in their rooms, putting all of their stuff in a bag. (Name) stood against the wall and looked at the floor.

(Name's) Mind:"Why? Why! I like my house! I only stayed in it for a day and now I'm moving out again! Come on! Palutena, you better pay me back!"

(Name) noticed a hand was being waved in front of her face. She looked up and saw Pit.

"Are you ok (name?)" Pit asked.

"Yeah I'm fine... It's just that I brought a house and now I'm going to have to move out..." (Name) signed. Pit patted her shoulder.

"It's ok (name), I promise you, that Lady Palutena will pay you back"

(Name) looks at the floor,
"Ok, I trust you"

Palutena walks out with her bags.
"Pit? Can I have some help here?"

"Of course!" Pit walks up to the Godness, takes her bags and he takes outside. They both watch him walk around the corner.

"He's a nice angel" (name) told the Godness.

"I agree, he's one of the nicest angels I know" Palutena looks at (name)
"I'll pay you back ok?"

"Ok, you better"

"I will"

They saw Pit walking back,
"Ok, everything is ready Lady Palutena"

"Wait... What about my stuff?" (name) looks at the Godness.

"I'll have done if my workers take it to Smash Mansion. Don't worry about it" Palutena pats her back. Then they all walk outside. A cab drives over and picks them up. An hour later, they arrive at Smash Mansion. They get out of the cab.

"Thank you" Palutena gets out.

"Thanks a bunch!" Pit pats the cab driver on the back.

"Thanks" (name) gets out. They walk toward the mansion. The mansion had gates surrounding it, had grass all over the land, flowers were everywhere and the building had four floors. They stop by the gates.

"This place looks awesome!" (name) yelled.

Pit signs,
"Ah! The memories are coming back!"

"Hmmm..." Palutena looks at the mansion.

"Umm... So what is Smash Mansion?" (name) looked at Pit.

"Well, it's a place where the fighters stay at, they are from a game called, 'Super Smash Bros.' It's a fighting game! They just made a new one! And we got confirmed!" Pit jumped up.

"I've heard of that game! We did get confirmed!" (name) started dancing.

"Calm down Pit and (name), it's just about to get better!" Palutena told them, they stopped getting excited. (name) took a deep breath,
"Ok, ok... I'm ready!"

Pit looked at (name) and smiled,
"I'm ready too!"

Palutena, Pit and (name) walked up. Pit could feel his heart pounding. They reached the front doors and looked at each other,
"Are we all ready?" Palutena asked.

"Yes!" Pit and (name) answered at the same time. They looked at each other.

"Ok, on the letter, it mentioned that there were going to be some cameras. And we are going to be on tv!" Palutena told them. they started getting excited again. Palutena put her finger on her lips and said,

They nodded their heads.

"Can we push the doors all at once?" Pit asked. They both agreed.

" 3....2....1...Now!" Pit yelled and they all pushed on the doors. Once they opened the doors, a bright light flashed in their eyes. They all put their hand up so the light wouldn't hurt their eyes. The light flashed in their eyes for about ten seconds until they could see again. They saw all of the characters and they all gasped. Pit broke the silence when he said,

Every single character ran to Pit, (name) and Palutena. Most of them hugged them, patted them on the back and smiled at them. All the characters when back to their places and (name's), Pit's and Palutena's face were pink. Someone yelled,"Introduce yourself!"

"My name is Palutena and I'm the Goddess of Light! I'm from Kid Icarus!"

*everybody cheers + claps*

"Hello everybody! I'm (name) and I'm also from Kid Icarus!" (Let's pretend you are from Kid Icarus! Ok?)

*everybody cheers + claps*

"Hey everybody! You already know who I am, just in case anybody doesn't know... My name is Pit! And I'm Lady Palutena's servant! I'm the main character in Kid Icarus!" Pit bows.

*everybody cheers + claps*

After the news people left, all the characters show Palutena and (name) around. They showed them were the kitchen was, the bathroom, game room, arcade room, training arenas and most the characters showed them were their room was. Pit was talking to his buddies.

"Wow! This place has changed a lot!" Pit told everybody who was following him. After three hours, Pit, Palutena and (name) met up at the lobby.

"Hey guys! Do you like Smash Mansion?" Pit asked them.

"Heck yeah! This place is awesome!" (name) got excited.

"Yes, this place is amazing!" Palutena yelled.

Pit laughs,
"I knew you guys would love this place!"
Pit walks up to (name) and Palutena and hugs them. Their faces started to get pink. Pit stops hugging them.

"Ok, we got to go get our rooms" (name) reminded them. They all walked together to the lobby counter. A worker comes out and gives them the keys. Palutena, (name) and Pit thank them.

"Where is your rooms at?" Pit asked.

"Mine is on the third floor" (name) answered and swung her keys around.

"I'm on the third floor" Palutena told him.

"Hey! Mine is on the third floor too! We are all on the same floor!" Pit gave a high-five to them. They walked to their rooms. Pit's room was on the first door to the left, Palutena's was the last door to the right and (name's) was the fourth door to the left.

"Good night guys! I'm tried" Pit yawned.

"Ok good night!" (name) went into her room and closed her door.

"Night!" Palutena closed her door.

They all couldn't wait for tomorrow! It was going to be fun living at Smash Mansion! Especially being a new fighter!

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