Chapter 19: Camping?!

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(Name) walked out of her parents door,
"Bye guys! I'll see you soon!"

"Bye (name!)" Her parents both said in unison. They watched her as she entered the cab. (name) rolled her windows down and yelled,
"Catch you later!"

They both smiled and said,
"So long!"

Next thing you know, the cab driver stepped on the gas peddle and the car took off. (name) turned around in her seat, seeing both her mom and dad waving at her. She waved back.

(Name) turned back around and looked out the window, she was wondering how her friends were doing. (name) was hoping that nothing bad would happen. She looked out the window again, (name) saw the fluffy clouds floating in the blue sky, she still wished that she lived in Skyworld.

Then, the cab driver took the bridge that led back down to the ground, (name) no longer saw the clouds, now she saw the forest, where Smash Mansion was located. Plus a flat plain biome right next to it.

(Name) knew that it would take at least an hour until she reaches her destination. So, (name) plugs in her head phones and listens to some of her favorite songs. It made the time go by much faster.


Finally, after what seemed like forever, the cab driver was slowly driving up to Smash Mansion. (name) looked out the window and saw Pit waiting for her. And some mansion workers too.

Once the driver pulled up, (name) thanked the driver, took off her head phones and opened her door. The mansion workers immediately were bringing in her stuff. Pit walked up to (name),
"Oh! Hey Pit! How are ya doing?"

Pit smiled and looked behind him,
"I'm doing great! I'm so glad your back! I missed you so much!"

Pit walked up to (name) and hugged her,
"I am too Pit! It's been a long week! So, how were you with Palutena and Dark Pit?"

Put stopped hugging (name) and quickly looked behind him,
"Ummm... I'll tell you later but... Want to go camping?"

(Name) looked at Pit,
"What? I just got here, I need some rest"

She began to walk until Pit put his arm in front of her,
"Please (name?) You know you can see Palutena and Pitto later"

(Name) stared at Pit, he had a 'Please say yes' face. She signed,
"Fine, how long?"

Pit smiled,
"For a week"

"What?! A week!?.... Ok, when are we going to go?" (name) asked. Pit looked at the mansion,
"I got everything ready to go, so let's go now"

(Name) took a deep breath,
"Fine, lets go then..."

Pit was holding three bags on him, he carried them all because he knew that (name) didn't want carry any.

Just like that, Pit and (name) were in the forest...


I don't know if you readers notice this but look at this.


Do you know what it looks like? Yes? No? Well, you probably guessed it, its an arrow! Just like how both Dark Pit and Pit have bows on them. Just wanted to let you know.

And sorry for the short chapter!

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