Chapter 23: The Start of a Bad Day

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After what happened 5 minutes ago, Pit pulled himself together and stood up. He went back onto the forest's walkway and aimlessly walked back to the camp. Before he left, Pit turned around once more, just in case (name) was swimming up or running up to him.

Pit felt his joyful mood drop, now, he was quiet and depressed. As he was waking back, the forest felt more quiet than before. Pit no longer heard birds chirping, deers running around, frogs croaking, the trees leaves brushing against each other, the wind howling and the sun was setting. It was getting darker and darker every minute. And the forest turned soundless.

Pit finally was back at the camp, he looked at the sky, where the stars were shining as bright as they could. Then, he unzipped the zipper to the tent and went inside, then he closed it back up. Pit searched for the lantern in the darkness and finally found it. He grabbed a lighter and lit up the lantern, so be could see.

Pit shined the light around in the tent and saw (name's) belonging, sitting by her sleeping bag. He felt his eyes getting watery and tried to hold it in. Pit looked the other way, trying his very best to not look at (name's) items. But, he quickly glanced at the items she took with her... Pit dropped the lantern and closed his eyes.

"W-Why? Why did I have to jump in that lake?! I made her disappear! She's gone! I-I won't ever forgive myself!" Pit hit the lantern and the fire that was inside, burned out. Now, he was once again in the dark, alone. Pit had no one to talk to, he felt like his life was ruined. He was expecting this trip to be fun, where he could finally tell (name) his feeling about her. Now, Pit couldn't tell her anymore.. Because she is either missing or maybe even gone.

Pit took a few deep breathes, to calm himself down, but it was no use. He kept thinking on what the heck happened to her. (name) either drowned, got eaten by an animal that was in the water or escaped and ran away. If she did manage to escape, then why didn't she come back? Why did she run away? Is she still alive? If so, where is she at?

These questions lingered in Pit's mind, he couldn't get them out. He didn't think he could ever get them out. They would be glued in his mind, forever....

Pit covered himself in his sleeping bag and tried to fall asleep. But he couldn't stop thinking about (name). Pit started blaming himself for jumping in the water and even for planning this trip. He looked up at the tent's ceiling, he could see the stars lights just barely shining through the tent. Pit put his face onto his pillow and started crying once again. He would have a hard time sleeping tonight...


Pit didn't sleep at all last night, he kept tossing and turning, sobbing and thinking. He sat up and water started pouring out of his sky blue eyes.
"Why would I do such a thing to the girl I love?"

Pit zipped open the zipper and crawled outside. He stretched out his arms and legs. Then, he looked at the view that he and (name) both saw. This time, Pit held back his tears and began packing up his stuff that he brought along with him. He also took (name's) belonging with him.

Whenever Pit had everything in his backpack, plus the tent. He needed to make sure that (name) wasn't at the lake. So, he dashes as fast as he could, to the lake.


Once Pit reached his destination, he scanned the whole area, just to make sure that (name) wasn't sitting somewhere by herself. He signed in sorrowfulness when he didn't see her there. Pit turned back around and slowly rambled back to Smash Mansion.


Pit walked out of the forest's entrance and saw a big 3-story building, which was Smash Mansion. He started running towards the building. Pit was dropping everything he had on him, onto the floor, so he could run a bit more faster.

When Pit was a few feet away from the mansion's door. He was taking deep breathes and calmly walking. Now, he was right in front of the two doors.

"I don't want to tell the bad news... But it's for the best" Pit told himself and opened both of the doors. Hoping that the fighters would forgive him...

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