Something to Say

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I didn't even know I was crying until a tear dripped onto my screen. I looked out my window. James,why do you do this to me? Should I believe him that Beth locked him in his home? All I want is to give him a hug and never let him go. I want to talk to him so bad but the other half of me is tugging me that this was the last time. No more forgiving. James's soft side melted me. The text message made me cry. And it wasn't a stupid cry because I was in pain or I felt so depressed. They were tears of happiness. I read the message over and over. He said that he has something to tell me. My weak thumbs fumbled over my keyboard.

I'm sorry too...your paragraph made me cry. It was the sweetest. I think I just need some time.

I clicked the send button not knowing what I was doing. Why am I forgiving him this easily? He's had so many cheating episodes. Maybe I'm just there at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of the unfamiliar doorbell sound I haven't heard in a while. Don't answer it, I thought to myself. If it's Emily, she can let herself in. If it's a soliciter, screw them. It rang again. I climbed out of my bed for the first time in hours, not even looking in a mirror. I flattened out the (it looked like) a nest at the top of my head and walked to the door. I turned the doorknob and immediately regretted it when I saw the familiar face. The deep eyes melted my soul. It was James. When he saw me, he gasped. I remembered I hadn't showered or washed my face or brushed my teeth, or hair since forever. He quickly covered his mouth after he realized he'd gasped out loud. He observed me and I felt tears welding up again and I had no idea why. The cheater himself was standing in front of me.
"Hi," he said shyly and gulped.
"Come in." I said and went to the living room and sat down.
"I'm sorry," James half whispered and looked at me.
"I should've told you...I have a...depression disorder," I said breathing shakily, afraid of crying again.
"Oh my...I didn't know...I'm sorry," he whispered again. A tear escaped my eye and I mentally face palmed myself. Not again Riley.
"You're beautiful," he reassured me grabbing my hand and placing it in his palm that was much bigger than mine.

James POV

Riley's hair was knotty and tangled but it looked like she had tried taming it. Her face was pale and her eyes were read. Her purple bags drooped under her eyes. Her body appeared to be more skinnier. I'd never seen her like this and I'd hate to see her like this again. I would've never guessed she had a disorder. What if she cut? What if she had thoughts about leaving the world? I wish I could've been there to comfort her. I could see right through her to the beautiful Riley that I usually see. The black makeup looked dried on her cheeks and not how it usually looked, applied perfectly on her eyes. This Riley made me scared. What did I do? This was my fault.

Riley's POV

"Can you just...tell me what happened?" I asked pulling my clammy hand out of his hand. He nodded slowly.
"I deleted her number a long time ago. Check my phone, she's not there. I didn't text her and she made that up. All she wanted to do was ruin our relationship so me and her could reunite," he took a deep breathe.
"When I saw you leave, Beth immediately shut the door and locked me in my own house. My mom went somewhere. I think to the airport to pick someone up or go on a business trip," he focused on my hand because he was nervous.
"She started saying that she was going to get what she wanted and that she'd do it way better than you would. I pushed her off of me when she came at me and I got her to finally leave. I was traumatized to come out of my house. I wanted you bad," James said and I saw a tear escape his eye too. I'd never seen him cry before. This was the first time. I wiped it away with my thumb and he pushed through a smile.
"I only have-" he started again but I interrupted.
"I know." I said and we just stared at each other.
"What'd you have to tell me?" I asked referring to the text. He looked confused but immediately put the dots together.
"I just wanted to um...say something. I love you and I won't ever stop loving you. I want you with me at all times and I never intend on hurting you. I love you Riley." He said pushing a piece of hair behind my hair. I started releasing tears of happiness and I gave him a hug. My tears slowly dripped down on his shoulder. This is the hug I've been longing forever.
"I love you too," I whispered back into his ear.
"Baby, I hate seeing you like this. I was the cause of it too. I'm going to fix you up, okay?" He asked and kissed my hand gently. I smiled (a real smile) for the first time in forever.

- sorry for the short clapper

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