Chapter 8 (Archie) -"What does your heart say ?"

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Attracted by the crowd, we enter the school's gymnasium, completely transformed, with its garlands and its silver balloons. So Cheryl didn't lie : she really went all out to organize the homecoming dance. I still don't know how I ended up in that situation, moving awkwardly forward, arm-in-arm with my two ladies of the evening : Veronica is on my right, all in black, and Betty stands on my left, in a pastel pink dress. Here I am, once again caught between the yin and the yang... except this time, it materializes into a brunette and a blondie.

"Well, it's not the Met Ball...", says Veronica, that I'm listening with a distracted ear.

I slow down as I see the giant posters of Jason Blossom in football gear. In most pictures, he shows a bright smile, as if was celebrating the start of school with us. But it's his gaze that especially speaks to me : his eyes are a deep, enigmatic blue, which could read your mind and guess your darkest secrets...

"Hey !", calls Betty, tapping my arm to get me out of my reverie. "When do you have to give your answer about the football team ?", she asks.

"This week-end."

"Can't we deliver ourselves from the burden of the dichotomy between athletes and artists ?", Veronica interrupts us. "In this very post - James Franco world, can't we try to be both at once ?"

"I'm working on it, Veronica.", I answer with a smile.

"Work faster !", she replies. "Well, I'm gonna leave you two alone and get a drink.", she adds, exchanging a malicious look with Betty.

I don't have the time to think about the nature of their secrecy, because Betty already drags me to the dance floor, full of unleashed high school students.

"It's about following your heart, right ?", she advises while adjusting my bow-tie, which makes me smile. "What does your heart say ? Music or Football ?"

At these words, I see Miss Grundy, who seems a bit queasy, sitting alone near the buffet. That's the perfect moment to go talk to her.

"Betty. Wait a minute.", I say gently. "When I come back, I promise I'll be a much better date. I have a plan !", I exclaim with a wink.

I walk away without letting her the time to answer. When I reach the buffet meal, I pretend to taste the appetizers made by the school, but Geraldine can see me coming.

"Don't panic, I'm not a stalker.", I say, sarcastic.

"Archie. We've made a deal.", she sighs, annoyed.

"No, Geraldine. We have a secret.", I cry out, sitting next to her. "We could've help Jason that morning, or maybe not. I don't intend to reveal that to anyone, but you have to help me, Miss Grundy.", I implore, before taking a break. "This summer, I only stayed sane by writing songs. So, I have an honest request for you : I would like a private lesson with you, several times a week, if possible. That's all. Nothing will happen and I won't talk about the 4th July, I promise. Okay ?", I ask, hopeful.

She glares at me with a tormented expression, and then closes her eyes. I can guess the debate that takes place in her head. Should she take the risk to trust me ?

"Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 7.a.m, before the beginning of class.", she finally gives in. "I will monitor the course and it will count in your exams.", she adds, before sharply turning heels.

I stay stunned. I didn't think she would accept this agreement, in the end. I can finally pursue my two passions at once, and perhaps sort this affair with Geraldine out by the same occasion, so I won't complain about it. And now, after effort comes comfort : it's time for me to have fun with Betty on the dance floor !

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