Chapter 19 (Betty) - "You don't know me"

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The next day, during Vixen's training, I end up stretching next to Veronica, who sticking to my neck.

-"Cheryl is really on edge today !", this one exclaims, making a perfect side split. "I know everyone grieves differently but Cheryl is torturing her cheerleading squad to cope with her loss... That's either brilliant, or psychotic... or both."

-"Yeah well, at least Cheryl is not putting on an act." I reply, annoyed. "She's not pretending to be a butterfly shen she's really a wasp."

Veronica catches the black eyes that I give her. I look away.

-"For the record, the only reason I went in that closet with Archie was so that Cheryl wouldn't.", she says, sitting crossed-legged.

-"Oh, so you did it to protect me ?"


I stand up, infuriated. And she looks proud of herself, as well... Clearly, I've never seen someone lying that much !

-"So nothing happened between you and Archie in the closet, then ?", I fight back, as I already know the answer.

She folds her arms, avoiding my gaze. Her eloquent silence confirms my fears.

-"That's what I thought.", I say, disappointed. "You know, Archie and I were fine before you got here !"

-"If it was really fine, you mean he wouldn't have been oblivious and you wouldn't be pining after him in quiet desperation.", Veronica objects.

-"At least, we were friends."

-"You were walking on eggshells, scared to tell him the truth about your feelings."

-"Okay, you don't know me, Veronica !", I protest, before turning my back on her.

-"It isn't my fault he doesn't like you !", she cries.

I immediately lift my head up. BOOM ! In a blaze of fire, her words hit me like a shotgun through my chest, and my heart shatters in a thousand pieces. I look daggers at her, frowning, as if she had just insulted me. How can this girl, who was still a stranger to me a week ago, tell me what I've been dreading hearing for years ? He doesn't like you ! It hurts to admit it, but maybe that is the truth, after all.

-"In fact, it's not even Archie's fault.", the brunette sighs. "It's just how it is : Most of the time, the people we like don't like us back.", she adds, with disdain. "Romeo and Juliet are the exception, not the rule."

I shake my head. It's hard to tell myself that all my hopes are dashed, and that the prince charming praised in fairytales doesn't exist in real life. What if I spend my life waiting for a person in vain ? What if true love was no more than just a myth ?

-"Listen Betty, never speak to me again if that's what you want.", she talks again. "But what exactly did Archie do wrong ?"

-"Are you seriously taking his side ?", I raise my voice. "This is your way of trying to be friends again !?"

-"I'm not taking anyone's side !", she contests.

-"The Pussycats are in for Friday night !", exclaims Cheryl, coming between the both of us.

Her cheerful smile is contrasting with our gloomy mood.

"Oh, sorry ladies, am I interrupting ?", the redhead asks innocently.

-"No, you're not !", I say, taking the opportunity to close my dispute with Veronica. "I was about to propose you to join me for a makeover session at home !"

-"Don't do this.", the brunette whistles through her teeth.

-"Butt out, closet monster. You no longer have the right to special treatment !", Cheryl replies, looking at her, disgusted, before focusing her attention on me. "That's surprising from you, Betty. But I accept. I never say no to a girl-to-girl afternoon !"

As we are ignoring her, Veronica finally walks away, with a sigh, while Cheryl leads me toward the bleachers, hand-in-hand, as if I was her new bestfriend.


And here I am, spending the evening at home with Cheryl Blossom. I am a little bit uncomfortable. She probably didn't come here since my 10th birthday, the last time I invited her to my house, and it ended badly...

-"Your room is so sweet !", Cheryl compliments me, touching up her makeup.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I contemplate the furniture around me : the princess dressing table, the lace curtains, the heart-shaped photo frames, the big LOVE symbol glittering on the wall... all of this emphasizes my romantic side, but I think I need revival.

-"It's too pink.", I observe. "It doesn't feel right to me anymore."

-"No, I like how girly it is.", réponds Cheryl, en se plantant devant moi avec le blush. "Mine is too. You should come over, sometime !", she suggests, raising my chin. "But just you, not Veronica. I mean, she must be evil incarnate, if even you won't have her as a friend."

I look at Cheryl, perplexed. Ultimately, I don't think it was a great idea to bring her at my place. Besides, our proximity is a little overwhelming.

-"And by the way... I'm sorry for all I did to you.", she adds, caressing my face to fade the blush. "When I learn that Polly and Jason were a couple, I was angry at everyone, but I took it at on you, which was super unfair.", she confesses. "Especially since, in a way, it's kind of like we both lost siblings."

Is she really comparing Polly and Jason ? Her words disturb me. I am beginning to realise that our two families are perhaps not that different.

-"How is Polly ? Still in that group home ?", she murmurs, in a smooth voice. "So you think she knows what happened to Jason ?"

The conversation takes another turn : Cheryl is looking for answers.

-"Uh I'm not sure.", I say, frowning.

-"What do you think went down between them ?", she asks.

-"I don't know."

-"I keep thinking that maybe Jason said something to her or she said something to him. I mean, didn't they have a big fight before summer break...?

-"Why are you asking me so many questions about Polly ?", I interrupt her, with mistrust.

The redhead's face changes dramatically, and in one second, she lashes out, giving me a bloodcurdling look.

-"Cheryl ?", I question, anxious.

-"Because, you dumb cow, someone killed my brother, and I think it was your crazy tweaked-out sister !"Parce que, pauvre idiote, quelqu'un vient de tuer mon frère, et je pense que ça ne peut être que ta folle tordue de soeur !", she cries, furiously.

On these words, she moves away from me to go towards the mirror, and I can finally let out a sigh. I swallow with difficulty, out of breath. How dare she come over and talk to me this way ? Blood is bubbling in my veins, and I can feel my nails sinking into my palms. Anger rises in me like a storm. I clench my fists, and stand up slowly, taken by a sudden confidence.

-"Get out of my house.", I grumble, glaring at the intruder in my room.

She gets ready to fight back, but when she turns around, I take her by surprise, and tackles her against the wall, barking at her face to scare her away.

-"Cheryl, get the hell out of my house before I kill you !"

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