Chapter 14 (Archie) - "Walk me to school ?"

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I wake up late this Monday morning, as I was a bit exhausted after my night jogging. I go to the bathroom to dress up, and then I come down to the kitchen to salute my father, who is feeding Vegas. Yes, even the dog gets to eat its own breakfast in our house.

"Hey, bud.", says my dad, when I enter the room. "Where did you sneak off to last night ?", he questions.

"You uh... you heard that ?", I ask, cautiously.

"Archie, I've been hearing you sneak out since you were 8 years old going to Jughead's tree house.", he replies, with a smirk.

"I couldn't sleep.", I admit. "I went for a jog to tire myself out."

Well at least, it's just a half-lie. I slept like a baby after this sports session. There is nothing wrong with having a little run in the street. My father just doesn't need to know how far this race led me.

"All right. Got something on your mind ?", he says, worrying.

"Just all this stuff with Jason."

"Okay. But no more midnight runs until the police catch whoever shot that poor kid.", my dad requests. "I swear to God, this town...", he mutters into his beard.

At these words, he walks away with Vegas in its wake, leaving me alone, lost in my thoughts. A few moments later, the bell rings. As I run to open the door, my heart skips a beat. A blond ponytail appears in the courtyard : Betty. I can't believe it. She turns around in slow motion, and when her blue eyes meet mine, I stay speechless.

"Walk me to school ?", she says with a shy smile.

"Yeah... uh sure !", I stammer. "Give me just a minute to take my school stuff, and I'll be right there !"

I quickly join her, and we walk along the street, side by side. Betty and I have been doing this since 1st grade : almost every morning, one of us picks up the other for a walk to school. Even if we're basically old enough to drive, I'm not in a hurry to get my 1st car, because I know that I will really miss our walks... This is the kind of childish habit that I don't want to give up.

"So, uh... did you change your mind ? You wanna talk to me again ?", I break the silence, uncertain.

"I needed time to process ...", Betty answers, in a nervous voice. "To separate what my mom wants, from what I want... what I think I want..."

I look at her for a moment. She's making these little hand gestures when she talks. I've always found it adorable. But today, it only increases my level of stress.

"Which is what, exactly ?", I ask, anxiously.

"My mom says I should never speak to you again.", she replies.

She starts her sentence in a playful tone, a little smile on her face, before giving me an accusing look. I can take it, it's not like I didn't deserve it.

"But you know, even though you don't like me like that... I still want us to be friends, best friends !" she adds, sincerely.

In a second, I am taken with relief, and all my pressure falls down. I didn't think it would be that easy... Did she already forgive me ?

"You do ?", I ask, to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"Yeah.", she says, gently.

"Whoa... I mean that's great, Betty ! Me too !", I exclaim, fulfilled.

I give her my brightest smile, grateful, and her features are visibly relaxing. I meet her gaze for a few seconds : I hope she knows how much this reconciliation makes me happy.

"I'd be lying if I said that it didn't hurt...", she confesses, after a while.

"I'm sorry, Betty.", I instantly apologize. "I didn't want to be a..."

I leave my sentence hanging in the air, and I steal a glance at her. Am I a jerk ? Well, you didn't miss out on that, Archie... You managed to hurt your dearest friend... I bit my lip, as Betty's luminous face seems to be veiled in sadness again.

"I don't know.", I say, taking a deep breath, confused. "It's just I thought it would be better in the long run..."

"And it will be !", she assures, turning hastily to me.

I try to find some hint of irony or vexation on her face, but there is none, or at least she hides her game well. Betty decides to change quickly the topic of conversation.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you knew which football team you guys will play against on friday night ?"

And here we are again, talking about our hobbies and our classes like in the good old days. As if this weekend was just a distant memory... or rather a bad dream.

"Oh, and don't tell my mom that we're friends again.", she inquires, before she leaves me stranded in front of the school entrance.

I follow her with my gaze, perplexed. The second I begin to think that everything will go back to the way it was, she escapes from me one more time. And I understand that nothing is gained. Our friendship is now only hanging by a thread.

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