Chapter 26 (Betty) - "Say something, please !"

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Sheriff Keller doesn't know what I know. He is not aware that our music teacher, Geraldine Grundy, was at Sweetwater River, the morning Jason disappeared. And as Archie was there too, they could have been together. If this theory is verified, it would cause an earthquake capable of destroying all of Riverdale High.

Those are the kind of thoughts that occupy my mind these last few days. It overwhelms me so much that I can't even sleep at night. During the day, I feel like a zombie, as if I was detached from the real world. I keep replaying every possible scenario in my head, even now, when a serious debate happens at our booth at Pop's.

"The Twilight drive-in is an essential place to this town, people should try to save it ! I'm sure it's closing because the mayor never wanted to do renovations there... and when an anonymous buyer makes a tremendous offer to Mc Coy, she surely jumps at the chance !"

Even if I'm not really listening to what Jughead is saying, I know that I am not missing anything important. The young man has spent the last half hour crying over the shutdown of his favorite outdoor cinema. As if it was the worst drama of human history.

"In this age of Netflix and VOD, do you really think that people want to watch a movie in a car ?", retorts Veronica. "I mean, who even goes there ?"

"Cinephiles and car enthusiasts.", replies the beanie-guy. "Right, Betty ?"

I look up from my milkshake and raise my eyebrows, trying to be more attentive.

"Hum, yeah. Totally !", I mumble.

"Anyways, you guys should come to closing night !", Jughead exclaims. "Do you have any movie suggestions ?"

They start debating around film classics, giving me the time to reflect on my thoughts.

"What do you prefer, Betty ?", Kevin asks suddenly. "Everything okay ?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking...", I answer, in a detached tone. "Hum, maybe Rebel Without a Cause ?"

I said the first movie on my mind, but it seems to suit well with Jughead, because he gives me a knowing smile. At least, somebody has regained his good mood.

All of a sudden, Pop's bell rings. In front of me, Kevin opens his eyes wide.

"Now that's an odd combo of people !", he says.

When I turn around, I almost suffocate, as I see Archie and his father with Miss Grundy. The trio doesn't seem to notice our presence. They sit a little further from us, and order food to the waiter, as if it was normal. I can't let them do that.

"I'll be right back.", I say, getting up hurriedly.

When I reach their table, I try to show them my most innocent face. I politely greet Fred Andrews and Miss Grundy.

"Archie, can I talk to you ?", I ask, with an insistent glance.

"Sure, I'll call you later ?", he responds, in a queasy tone.

"No, actually now. It's just school stuff. Let's go outside for a minute !"

When he understands that is not negotiable, he follows me outside without protesting. As soon as we pass the restaurant's door, I turn toward him, incapable of standing it any longer.

"Archie, as your best friend, is there anything you wanna tell me ?", I beg him.

"Uh, no. I don't think so."

I let out a sight, facing his indifference. If I don't go straight to the point, he will keep denying. I need to throw out what is in my heart, it's the only thing I can do.

"Miss Grundy was at Sweetwater River on July 4th."

At these words, Archie's face decomposes, and he becomes paler.

"Were you with her ?", I enquire, while the last glimpse of hope is leaving me.

The redhead swallows with difficulty, and remains paralyzed for a few seconds, while Pop's neon lights illuminate his face, red with shame.

"Did Jughead tell you ?", he slowly asks.

"Jughead knows about this ?"

I can't believe it. He told everyone, except me ? I feel betrayed by the person I thought I knew the most... And now, it's like I am facing a stranger.

"It's not what you're thinking.", says Archie.

"So it's platonic ?", I reply, annoyed.

"Okay, maybe it's a little like what you're thinking... I'm sorry -"

"Archie, are you and Miss Grundy together ?, I cry out, outraged. "Like romantically ?"

Saying that word makes me want to vomit. Archie and Miss Grundy ! Seriously ? She could literally be his mother !

"Oh my god !", Veronica comments Veronica, who has just joined us outside. "You and your music teacher are having an affair ?", she exclaims, turning toward Archie.

"We are... together.", he finally confesses, at the height of embarrassment. "Look, I know that sounds bad..."

"Bad ? It sounds scandalous !", retorts Veronica.

"You guys could end up in jail !", je renchéris, outrée. "It's illegal !"

"Betty, don't go there -", replies Archie.

"Well, I'm already there !", I almost scream, revolted.

"Ronnie, a little help here ?", asks the young man, overtaken by the turn of events.

"I mean, technically, Betty's right.", replies the latter, who I thank with a glance. "And ethically... what is Grundy to you anyway ? Your girlfriend ? Your booty tutor ?", she adds, ironically.

"Ugh, I don't know...", Archie responds, a bit lost.

As for me, I am still in shock. I don't understand how Archie could hide all of this for months to his close friends, while keeping a clear conscience...

"You said you were at the river alone. You lied to all of us.", I suddenly realise. "Why ? To protect her ?", I exclaim, crossing my arms.

-"She believed in me when no one else did.", he says, weighing his words.

For that matter, this hurts me a lot more than the fact that he lied to me. He really believes that this pedophile cares about him and his music ? Unlike her, I have always been there for him, I supported him in all his projects, since our earliest childhood. Did he really erase me from his memory ?

-"Betty, say something, please.", Archie implores, desperately.

I frown and shake my head. Unfortunately, I have nothing else to tell him. The boy in front of me is not my best friend Archie anymore. He has been brainwashed and I fear that it is now impossible to bring him back to his senses. He has crossed the point of no return.

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