Chapter 22 (Archie) - "Oh my god... your eye !"

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"Oh... I don't like to ask, but did you and Jughead go on a fight ?", my dad questions, when he sees me pressing an ice pack on my swollen cheek.

"No, it was with Reggie... It's a long story.", I sigh, exhausted.

"And I have time to listen.", he replies, concerned.

"Jughead and I disagree on something... about a girl."

"As usual."

"It's not about me and Jughead. It's more about me and this girl.", I retort.

I stop talking, hesitating for a second. How can I explain to him the situation without revealing my darkest secret ?

"I think we should do something, and this is the right thing to do, but this girl thinks it would destroy what we have...", I speak again, confused. "It makes no sense, sorry..."

I put my head down, but my father comes closer to me, determined to continue this conversation, to my greatest despair.

"It's been a while since we haven't talked that frankly to each other.", he notices. "But it's good that you want to make the right choice. You're a good boy, Archie. I see it, even behind this black eye."

I know he says that because he is my father, and a father should never say bad things about his son, but I still want to believe him. After all, he's my model, my hero. He pushes me to become a better version of myself.

-"Son, if you're convinced this is the right thing to do, even if it is difficult, even if there's a price to pay, then you should do it."

I shake my head. As always, my dad is right. I need to follow his advice, and do what my conscience asks me to do, at all costs.


This evening, precisely at 20 p.m, my first football game as a Bulldog will start. I wear the famous jersey number 9. It was a little weird when I put it on, I felt like I was getting into Jason's head... Anyways, everybody seems to be in the mood for celebration : the marching band resonates, vivacious, and parades in front of the enthusiastic audience, while the cheerleaders are warming up. I seize this moment of general euphoria to go discreetly talk to Miss Grundy.

-"I'm gonna tell everything I know to Mr. Weatherbee and Sheriff Keller.", I inform her, calmly.

Geraldine's face tenses up, as she looks at me with a worried gaze.

-"I was at the crime scene, I heard the gunshot, and I need to take responsibility for this.", I declare. "I will meet them tomorrow. If you want to come with me, we'll discuss what to do, and if not, I will respect it, and I promise I won't mention you in my testimony."

She shakes her head desperately, worrying about what the future holds for her, and for a moment, I feel pity for her.

-"I'm sorry Miss Grundy, but I don't have a choice." I conclude, before walking away to join Jughead, who is hiding behind the stands.

-"Girl problems ? You ?", he exclaims with irony, when he sees me coming.

-"Grundy and I are gonna talk to Weatherbee. Or at least, I'll do it.", I add, as he gives me a surprised look. "And I didn't mean everything I told you the other day. I'm sorry."


I'm not used to making the first move. And I know that these apologies go way beyond all this stuff about Jason. In fact, it dates from our arrival in high school : I followed the wrong people, because I believed I could be integrated more easily if I hung out with the popular crowd. I blame myself for ignoring Jughead the whole year. It was really not nice of me... That is why I deserve to be in this situation today, begging forgiveness from my ex- best friend. In reaction, he offers me an amused smile.

-"What ? It's not like we're gonna hug in front of everyone !", he jokes, at my confused expression. "Let's do what real dudes do : we'll just nod as idiots and we'll take it upon ourselves to hide our feelings.", he adds, in a theatrical tone.

-"Yeah.", I say, with relief. "But we're friends again, right ?", I ask, to get confirmation.

-"We'll talk about it. After lots of milkshakes and burgers, it should probably work.", he replies to tease me.

I burst out laughing, relieved that our friendship is finally back. We exchange a friendly wink, before I walk quickly towards the football field. I like this feeling of splitting the crowd, in front of a frenzied audience, who claims my name.

Suddenly, caught in a moment of inattention, I collide in full force with a foreign body. When I turn around, my gaze falls directly into Betty's. Her eyes sparkle in the moonlight. The lights of the stadium are reflected in her pupils. Her irises are blue like the night, and her hair golden like the sun. Blue and Gold. Like the embodiment of Riverdale.

-"Oh my god, Arch... Your eye !", she exclaims, with a cry of surprise.

Betty's hand rests on my cheek, in such a delicate gesture, that it catches me off guard. She caresses me with an infinite sweetness, providing me instant appeasement. And for the first time, I feel it. This tension, almost electric, that flows between us. This passion, that brings me to the height of wonder. It only lasts a second, and goes by in a gust of wind, in a shiver, but it's there, and it's real. The burning mark left on my cheek proves me that I haven't dreamt. But before I realize what is happening to me, I'm already carried away by the crowd.  

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