Chapter 23 (Betty) - "Do you guys wanna join us ?"

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"Riverdale has never lacked of solidarity nor team spirit.", declares principal Weatherbee, after the Vixens' performance. "Let's not lie to ourselves, tonight's game isn't like any other we've had in the past. That is why I would like to dedicate this evening to the memory of one of our brightest students : Jason Blossom. We're with him tonight. Now please, join me in giving a well-deserved welcome to our football team : the Riverdale Bulldogs !

This speech is followed by a thunderous applause, signaling the arrival of the football players. In a roaring burst, the Bulldogs barge in running before us, tearing up in their path the blue and gold banner we prepared to encourage them. Standing up near the stage with other cheerleaders, I have a ringside seat to the event of the week.

I spot Archie leading the group. All eyes are turned to him. With his athletic figure and his disarming smile, he is actually to die for. His flamboyant hair is floating in the wind, as if he evolved in slow-motion. He wears the number 9 jersey. The spiteful tongues would say that he is the "new Jason Blossom", but having spend my whole childhood with him, I know for a fact that Archie is completely different from the young martyr of Riverdale : he has something special, a unique aura, which makes him much more interesting to me.

But apparently, Cheryl must find that Archie is the spitting image of her brother, because it seems that she can't distinguish the two young men anymore. She is literally struck by the lightning, and this has nothing to do with the storm rumbling outside. In a flash, the redhead girl runs away, crossing the stadium, under the pouring rain and to the delight of the crowd. I furtively catch Veronica's gaze, right before she decides to chase after Cheryl. Driven by curiosity, I follow them.

I am almost panting when I arrive in the sportshall, losing track of the two girls. Suddenly, I hear muffled sobs, which guide me to the locker room. When I reach the doorway, I see Cheryl who cries her eyes out in Veronica's arms.

"I am so sorry that he's gone.", the brunette whispers.

"No, you don't understand.", weeps Cheryl. "He was supposed to come back, but now he's dead ! I'm alone..."

"It's okay, I am here."

I walk backwards, quite disturbed. I feel like I have witnessed a personal and intimate moment, so I decide that I should better get going to see the rest of the match.

Summary of the night : the Bulldogs ensured their victory against Greendale, which was defeated by 39-12. Archie played insanely well. He made perfect pin-point passes, and he even managed to cross the field twice to score a touchdown. The supporters shouted his name during the whole game, but I was certainly the loudest of them. While we gather our stuff after the match, I decide to talk to Veronica.

"Hey.", I begin, while clearing my throat. "I saw you and Cheryl. Not many girls would've done what you did."

"Full disclosure, I've had my share of emotional breakdowns.", she replies, while shrugging her shoulders.

"If you're not doing anything, do you wanna go get a milkshake at Pop's ?", I propose, shyly.

"Really ? I'd love that, Betty !"


An hour later, we are sitting at one of the booths at Pop's. The waiter brings two milkshakes to our table : one double-chocolate for V and one old-fashioned vanilla for me.

"Betty, can we make a vow ?", suggests Veronica.

I accept casually, without thinking about the consequences that our deal could generate.

"That no matter what, no boy will ever come between us again !"

I press my lips in an innocent smile and we clink our glasses to this renewed friendship. We exchange a knowing glance, and at this moment, I could almost believe in the durability of our promise... Until the bell rings.

Veronica's eyes fall on the newcomers behind me. I turn around. Archie is standing at Pop's entrance, next to his friend Jughead. I meet my best friend's intense gaze, and time stops. A wave of emotions overwhelms me. He addresses me a shy smile. I should have known that I wouldn't be able to stay away from him indefinitely. I realize that the promise made with Veronica will be hard to keep. I look at her to get her approval, and then I smile warmly at the two boys.

"Do you guys wanna join us ?", l call them out, fluttering my eyelashes.

Archie just stayed here for a few seconds, staring at me, hesitantly. Even if he is carefully considering my invitation, I can see that he is delighted. Jughead finally takes the lead.

"Fine. But only if you're treating !", jokes the dark-haired boy.

We burst out laughing at his sarcasm, and we move a little bit to make some room for the guys. Jughead climbs the bench in front of me, while Archie sits by my side, putting an arm around my shoulder, and I decide to use it as a head support for the rest of the night.

"Veronica Lodge.", says my new friend, holding out her hand to Jughead.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III.", replies the latter.

"Wow, trust me, only you could wear that name !"

We laugh wholeheartedly. Our smiles have never been that bright. It seems to be a good start for our new core-four. Once in a while, I put my elbow on the table, and I listen to Archie talking, while scrutinizing all of his facial features, in order to keep every moment of this magical evening etched in my memory forever. When I look away, I know that he is looking at me too. I feel him watching over me, out of the corner of my eye. And I could not feel safer than at this very moment.

From the outside, it would have looked like 4 people were sitting in that booth. But I can tell you, really, that there were only 2 : an angelic blond girl, and luckiest redhead of the universe. For one shiny moment, there were just kids. The bright neon lights of Pop's were keeping the darkness at bay... giving away, as all nights must, to a morning of reckoning.

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