Chapter 9 (Betty) - "This fantasy of us"

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Here we are, finally ! The 1st friday of september. I've waited so long for the day when I would wear my prettiest dress for my 1st high school dance. Last year, I couldn't go there : these parties are banned to freshmans. As you can guess, the date of the homecoming dance has been written in my schedule for some time... but I never thought I would go there accompanied, and even less with Archie !

By the way, he is tremendously handsome tonight, which makes me even more nervous. However, I notice he seems a bit off, so I try to dissipate that pensive look on his face. I drag Archie towards the dance floor and adjust his black bow tie, while giving him some advice for this new school year.

"Betty. Wait a minute.", he interrupts me. "When I come back, I promise I'll be a much better date. I have a plan !", he exclaims, striding away.

I try not to show my disappointment. The dance has just begun and I've already managed to scare away my crush... Stop ! Get a grip, Betty. Think POSITIVE. Fortunately, I don't stay alone too long, because Kevin grabs my arm, hectic.

"Betty ! You'll never believe who made a path at me in the bathroom ! I give you a hint : His name may be Moose, but I'd describe a certain appendage of his as horse-like !"

I look falsely shocked. Nothing surprises me anymore since Kevin made his coming-out : I support him 100% in his courtship.


The music falls silent and Cheryl goes up on stage to speak.

"Good evening, everyone. I hope you're all having fun.", she exclaims, under the applause of the audience. "As official president of the student council, and de facto queen of this 1st school dance, this is with great pleasure that I welcome the band of tonight. You just have to know them to become a fan. This is Josie and the Pussycats !"

While Cheryl continues her speech about Jason, my eyes are searching for Archie. We wouldn't want to miss out on the slow dance ! Finally, I can see a redhead who is making his way through the crowd, joining me just in time for the beginning of the concert.

"I'm sorry you had to wait.", Archie says, embarrassed. "Wanna dance ?", he asks me with a soft voice.

"Yes !", I respond, offering him my biggest smile.

I put my hands around his neck, and he grabs me gently by the waist. The air is suddenly charged with electricity. Does he feel the same way as I do at this contact ?

"Did you get what you wanted ?", I ask, to lighten the atmosphere.

"Yeah. I will study with Miss Grundy before class, I will play football after school, and on weekends, I'll be working with my dad on the construction... I'm gonna go nuts !", he says, laughing.

"You'll be fine, as long as you don't lose the holy fire." I declare, in a false solemn tone.

He giggles and his face seems to relax a bit. He looks right into mine, in such a way that I can lose myself in the bewitching reflects of his golden sloes. We let ourselves go to the rhythm of the music, while I undulate hips. I intend to show him that I am no longer the little girl next door, but a young woman in bloom, who has also changed during this summer. My seduction skills seem to work, because Archie doesn't take his eyes off me ! This idea makes me blush. He's the only one I can feel so beautiful and loved with. I wouldn't be anywhere else but in his arms at this very moment.

Suddenly, I see Veronica and Kevin who are gesturing to me, a few meters away. I understand it's time for me to make a move. I take a deep breath, and turn toward Archie, with a big smile.

"Now that I'm a River Vixen, and you're gonna be on varsity football... I have this fantasy of us... as a power couple, or maybe even just a couple.", I stammer, dreamy and hopeful.

At this very moment, incomprehension appears on Archie's face, and he seems astonished by my confession. That's all it takes to erase my smile.

"Betty...", he only responds, clearly surprised.

"Is that so impossible to imagine ?", I ask, dismayed.

At this point, despite our proximity, I feel like we're further apart than ever. I walk away from him, just as music stops, and we're stuck in silence until the end of the dance. I feel terribly ashamed. It's the 1st time that I've ever decided to confess my feelings for him, and that's how he reacts ? His lack of reply hurts me even more than a simple friendzone.


1 hour later, we are all reunited around the sofas, for the after-party at Cheryl's. I don't even know how I ended up here. We were all kinda invited as members of the River Vixen or the Bulldogs. Anyway, the entire popular high school elite have gathered here. Sitting next to Veronica, I observe the luxurious decoration of the living room, while listening with a distracted ear to the conversations. Archie is here too : I feel his gaze on me, even if I'm pretending not to see it.

"It's game time at the Blossom's, kiddies !", announces Cheryl, wearing a provocative red dress. "We're going old school tonight : 7 minutes in Heaven !"

I exchange a smile with Veronica. I don't know where this game will lead us yet, but I try to relativize. Relax, it's just a party, Betty ! Blend in, and try to have fun, it won't hurt you...

"Who wants a tryst in the closet of love first ?", surveys Cheryl, in an authoritarian voice. "My vote is A... for Archie. No objection ?"

When I hear his name, a lump forms in my throat. I allow myself to look at him : he seems as surprised as me by Cheryl's audacity.

"Wait, actually ー", he says, embarrassed.

"Yes, Andrews, yes !", shouts Reggie, who is certainly already drunk.

"All right, gather around, kids !", inquires Cheryl. "Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight !", she adds, playful.

At her sadist expression, I understand that all of this doesn't bode well... There she is putting an empty bottle on the table to rotate it. As if I was hypnotised, I stare at the bottle, and as it slows down with every turn, my stress goes up a notch. I feel like I'm in the grip of my destiny. What will happen if I'm chosen to join Archie in the closet ? Or worse, what if he goes with someone else ? Finally, the bottle stops... right between me and Veronica.

"No way !", screams Reggie, guffawing.

"It's clearly pointing to... the new girl !", decides Cheryl, implacable. "This should be fun !", she says, clunking her tongue, like a venomous snake.

Inside of me, everything starts breaking down. I give another desperate look to Veronica.

"Hum, I'm not doing this.", says this one.

"That's up to you... but if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn !", replies Cheryl.

God, I hate her so much ! My fingers close up around my pouch. I'm struggling not to fall apart in front of everyone, especially when I meet Archie's desolate look. Constrained by Cheryl's ultimatum, Veronica finally gets up and walks towards the infamous closet, followed by Archie. As this one passes in front of me, I manage to look down, so that he cannot notice the tears coming to my eyes.

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