Glass Heart - Chapter Thirteen

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When Izuku was returned to the hospital - needing one more day to rest before moving to Shouta's house - Shouta and Hizashi returned to their house, to renovate it for Izuku's future arrival.

"Okay, Shou! What should we do first?" Hizashi asked, rolling up his sleeves.

"I'll focus on cleaning the guest bedroom/study, and then move onto general cleaning of the house. You-" As he spoke, Shouta gave Hizashi a list, "- go to the nearby mall and try to grab these items of furniture."

"Shouldn't Izuku have some say?"

"Yes, that's why for now it'll just be the basics: wooden bed, wardrobe, maybe a bookshelf? Desk and chair..." Shouta trailed off.

"Sounds like a lot to me, Shou..."

"Ahh, alright just grab a plain bed - we can decorate it or buy a new one later, and a mattress, duvet and duvet cover... pillows..." As Shouta muttered more and more things to buy for the house, snatching back the list he'd previously given to Hizashi and scribbling over it, Hizashi smiled.

He really likes that kid...

"Alright, I'll be off! You sure you don't wanna come with me?" Hizashi said, wanting to get a headstart on everyone else in the mall.

"No, I don't care much for social interaction, you know that. Bye 'Zashi, love you." Shouta replied, waving his hand at him dismissively, while continuing to scribble on the paper. It took him a few seconds after the door closed to realise Hizashi hadn't taken the paper with him.

"Dammit Hizashi!"


Hizashi, you did that on purpose.

Did what, Shou? XD

Oooh, the list

Yeah, the list.

Do you remember what you need to get?




Don't worry, Shou!

I just need a bed right?

A bed


Duvet cover

Do we really need all that stuff Shou?



Pillow covers


That'll take so long!

And the little listener needs to give an input...

... Okay fine

For now we'll use the spare plain blankets and pillows

The ones from the guest bedroom


So I just need a bed?

Yeah, we needed one for the bedroom anyway

Wait! I wanna get toys!



What kid's room is without toys?

Fine, but it'll be a surprise, okay?



Do you have the links of the ones we looked at?

Since we were planning on replacing the couch

Yeah, here.




Oh, I like the second one

Plain and simple but also cute.

Should suit Izuku

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

So we're getting that one then?

YOU'RE getting that one.

But yes.


You really should get out more.


But Shou...


Okay, fine.

But when we get little listener, you'll come out more then.




Bye Zashi, need to work on the room

Love you

Bye Shou!!

Love you too!!!

<3 <3 <3

Hizashi put his phone back into his pocket, focusing on where he was walking, a goofy smile on his face. It's nice to see how much Shouta cares sometimes.

Izuku is going to be a big change for them, but when they're together, they can handle anything.

And they'll be together forever.


Hi everyone! This is a prewritten chapter, that will most likely come out after the new year begins. If it comes out before 2021 then I might be working too much XD (finished writing on the 30th December)

I finished writing New Hope (my komahina fanfiction) - so now I'll be able to spend more time writing this story!! I hope you guys are excited for more chapters!! :D

Hope you guys enjoyed the small EraserMic in this chapter, although it wasn't as fluffy as it could have been, I'm sure. It'll get fluffier later, but in this chapter they're not really focused on themselves, they're more focused on Izuku.

See you guys soon!!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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