Glass Heart - Chapter Two

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Aizawa Shouta - better known as Eraserhead - was in the middle of walking home.

"Yes Hizashi, I know, no - DON'T BUY ANYMORE DISNEY MOVIES! I-" He sighed as yet again Hizashi hung up on him. Hizashi was supportive and kind - but also incredibly annoying. They already had enough games, movies and other fun things for the two of them to do together to fill an entire room. They didn't need more Disney - they already had Netflix. Hizashi was so crazy and energetic - and of course, so very annoying.

Shouta never regretted marrying him though.

He fiddled with his wedding ring, which was always loose in a tight pocket when he was on patrol and picked up the pace. The sooner he got home, the sooner he could sleep.

That was the plan anyway.

Shouta's thoughts got distracted, as he spotted a young boy sitting on the edge of a rooftop, feet dangling off the edge. The kid may be far away - but Shouta could spot vacant eyes like that kid's own from a mile away. He didn't even have shoes on - the boy's intentions were clear!

"Don't do it, kid..." Shouta muttered frantically. He may not be on duty, but he won't let a kid make a fatal choice without even trying to help. Maybe he could talk the kid away, figure out what happened in his home life, school, anything? There's got to be a solu-

He jumped.

The kid had jumped.

Shouta didn't think - he simply started sprinting faster than he had ever done before, using his capture weapon to attach to buildings and propel himself forward at the speed of sound, like a human slingshot. With literal seconds to spare - and all the other civilians running away like selfish bastards - Shouta made it and caught the poor kid in his arms.

"Kid? Kid, you're safe. Are you okay?" He shouted at him.

The kid opened his eyes, and... recognised him on the spot?? Shouta needed to do more to hide his hero identity - especially since he's supposed to be an underground hero.

And then he immediately fainted.

"Hey - hey, kid! Wake up! Damn it!" Shouta growled, running to UA, for Recovery Girl. UA was a lot closer than any hospital, and if the kid had experienced a lot of hardship, than maybe meeting a kind hero like her would make him happier. Of course not all children love heroes, but she's the sweetest person you'd know - if you were a child. And followed her instructions.

As he ran, the green haired boy in his arms, he decided he needed assistance.

"Tsukauchi, I need you to meet me at UA. Yes it's serious. Yes, I know it's late, I promise I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. Yes. In 10? Yes I can make that. Okay. Thanks."

Chucking his phone in his pocket, Shouta sighed, and burst through the doors of UA high school. He sprinted down the hallway, pushing past the couple of teachers working late and darting straight for Recovery Girl's office.

"Chiyo! I need your help!" Shouta yelled, the green-haired boy clutched tightly at his chest. Chiyo glanced behind her and towards him, confused, until she caught sight of the small child held within Shouta's arms. She immediately snatched the child from his arms and began her work.

As Recovery Girl did her best to help the kid, Shouta rang Hizashi, and told him the address of the rooftop.

"Yes, that's the address." He said to his husband. "I'm taking care of a kid that tried to jump off that roof. Yeah, 'Shit' is right. Please go up there and grab anything the kid left behind: I'm sure it's all important, and he'd appreciate seeing it. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. Bye, love you too."

And he ended the call with a slight smile, hearing Hizashi's excitement from his last words on the phone at the other line. His smile was quickly wiped as he looked across to the bed the kid was lying in, and prayed he was okay. Shouta was sure he would be - he didn't even hit the ground! - but you never know. Sometimes people can force themselves into coma's because of trauma, which is probably what the kid had done.

"I... Izuku." Chiyo muttered. Shouta looked up at her, questioningly and she continued. "The child's name is on these digital medical records - Izuku Midoriya."

Shouta nodded, and went back to staring at the metal bed, this child - Izuku - laying in it.

He just wanted Izuku to be okay.

Hey guys! Second chapter is now done 😊

Trying to write these quickly so I have many to post around the same time. This doesn't mean I'll post them all at once - I'll probably post one chapter every week lol XD

(This is Peachy from the future - thank you all for your support on the first chapter! I can't wait to continue writing for you guys. Looking forward to seeing you all again with chapter three!)

I hope you guys are enjoying the series!!!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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