Glass Heart - Chapter Seventy-Three

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Shoto, Izuku and Hitoshi sat comfortably in the living room, just having a nice chat. Shoto had stayed over for a sleepover, and now they were still in pyjamas eating a nice breakfast. Today marked a week after their entrance exams. Having taken the exam for recommended students, Shoto already knew he passed, as they were marked first. However Hitoshi's results still hadn't arrived yet and were planned to arrive today.

"Don't worry Hito, I'm sure it'll be fine!" Izuku said, leaning into Shoto as he ate his toast. Shoto nodded in agreement - being careful not to hit Izuku with his chin as he moved, and Hitoshi smiled, settling back into the couch.

"So Dad, what did Nezu think about my idea about dorms?" Izuku asked Shouta, who had just entered the living room from the kitchen, holding some food for Luna in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other.

Shouta took a small sip of his drink before responding. "Nezu seemed happy with it. Apparently he already had the idea and plans ready but hadn't planned to start work on it until a couple years from now. But he trusts you, so if you say that you think the dorms should be put in place then they will be. He's working on it now, but they should be done when we return from Christmas holidays."

Izuku nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "That's a good idea."

For a few moments there was silence, and then Shoto stood up, said "I'm borrowing Izuku." and dragged him upstairs to Izuku's room.

"A - Are you okay, Shoto?" Izuku stammered, confused. Shoto shut Izuku's door closed and turned to Izuku, who was looking slightly concerned.

"Yeah?" Shoto responded, not entirely sure why Izuku looked so nervous. "Look it was your birthday a couple weeks ago, but we couldn't properly celebrate it because we were all training. I'm your boyfriend, so I should've made time to celebrate it on the day besides coming around for dinner that night."

"Oh!" Izuku responded, happy that he now knew what this was all about. He sat down on the edge of his bed and pondered for a minute. "You don't have to do anything, Shoto. I'm just happy spending time with you."

"I don't care, because I want to do this, okay Izuku?" Shoto sighed, before passing Izuku a small bag he had previously hidden in Izuku's room while he was sleeping the previous night. "This is for you."

Izuku gingerly took the bag. Inside was a card and three wrapped presents. Izuku gasped, shocked and happy at the same time, and slowly opened the card.

Happy birthday Izuku!

I hope your day was as amazing as you are.

Love Shoto <3

"Aww thank you Shoto." Izuku said, leaning over and giving Shoto a small kiss on the cheek before turning his attention to his three mystery gifts. He picked up the smallest one first, and it squished a little under his touch. Izuku quickly unwrapped it, revealing... a Deku plushie.

Izuku giggled slightly, placing the plushie next to his All Might one. "Aww he's so cute and tiny, thank you Shoto."

As Izuku reached over to grab the next present, Shoto muttered "He's cute and tiny just like you." under his breath. Izuku's face flushed but he pretended not to hear, grabbing the small but wide present. He unwrapped it to find more notebooks to write in.

"That's so thoughtful Sho, thank you." Izuku stood from his bed and walked over to his bookshelves, where there was a shelf dedicated for his notebooks, and placed the ones Shoto gave him over there before walking back to his spot on the bed and picking up the final parcel.

It was large and thin, feeling slightly cold against his touch, but not wet. He slowly removed the wrapping, and a glass frame started to take shape.

"Sho..." Izuku muttered. "This is..."

Unwrapping the entire present, Izuku stared at a glass picture frame, with a picture of Shoto on it. He looked slightly tired in the picture, and the items around Shoto, as well as his pose, looked quite staged. He probably spent ages trying to get the picture right.

Izuku turned to Shoto and wrapped his arms around him, being careful not to break the glass frame. After hugging him for what felt like forever, Izuku broke out of a hug and lightly kissed Shoto on the lips. "Thank you Sho." He said, placing the frame in pride of place on his windowsill. "This is the best birthday ever."

For a few moments there was silence.

"Okay!" Hitoshi yelled, bursting into the room. Izuku and Shoto yelped and jumped away from each other, staring at Shoto in shock and slight betrayal. "I'm happy you got to properly celebrate your birthday Izuku, but this day is supposed to be about me!" He joked, laughing slightly. Izuku and Shoto smiled, standing up and following Hitoshi back downstairs where Shouta and Hizashi were waiting, results in hand.

"Are you nervous?" Izuku asked Hitoshi, watching him anxiously.

"A little..." Hitoshi admitted, fiddling with his hands. "This is the first exam I've ever taken. And more so than that, I didn't really use my quirk. They might just write me off as a lost cause or something."

"I'm sure they wouldn't do that!" Izuku responded, flapping his arms frantically. "Hito, you're going to be a great hero in the future, UA or no UA. These results don't define you." Hitoshi still didn't seem convinced, and only seemed to grow more anxious and concerned as they entered the living room and sat down, Hizashi passing Hitoshi his results letter.

Izuku sighed. "Do you remember what you told me when I took that hero test? You all said to me that the results didn't matter, and that either way I'd become a hero. This applies to you too. No matter what the results say, we won't love you any less. You're family Hito, and we'll do our best to make your dream come true!" Izuku gave Hitoshi a hug, and he could feel Hitoshi shaking. "It'll be okay!"

Hitoshi nodded, and pried open the results letter, a small hologram disk falling out of it. After a few moments it sparked to life, and All Might took form. Hitoshi couldn't focus at all as All Might spoke, his mind running wild with concerns and 'what ifs' - but his family seemed happy about what he was saying to hopefully it was good, right?

He slowly lifted his head to pay attention to All Might's words.

"And 43 rescue points, giving you a total of 72 points! That puts you in fourth place! Welcome, to your Hero Academia!"

He... he passed...

Hitoshi broke out into a wide grin and shot his clenched fist into the sky.


Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

It had plot development AND fluff, the perfect mix XD

Anyways, next chapter it should be focusing on the first time at UA, probably focusing on Hitoshi and Shoto and Katsuki as they enter class 1A. The chapter after the next one should be on Izuku and the Support course. I hope you're all looking forward to it!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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