Glass Heart - Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Hitoshi had no idea how his plan went so wrong.

No. He did know.


As soon as he and Ochako broke through one of the windows on the fifth floor, noticing the bomb nearby - he had realised the cold truth: he had vastly underestimated Bakugou.

He had split seconds to pull Ochako safely behind a pillar before hot flames sparked from behind them both, Bakugou attempting to corner them by blocking their escape routes. He hadn't prepared for this...

... for Bakugou to be the one guarding the bomb, instead of Iida.

Hitoshi clenched a fist as his mind went into overdrive.

He had no idea what to do now.


Deku fiddled with his hands worriedly, as he listened to his brother through the earpiece. Bakugou's plan was actually incredibly smart, and he scolded himself for not planning or thinking of it much sooner - basing his decisions on past Kacchan's reckless ability and thought process, instead of present Kacchan - one who would recognise that it'd be easier for him to be guarding the bomb and for Iida to be on scout duty, and not the other way around.

Bakugou was doing splendidly, using his flames to the best of his abilities, to block and redirect where Hitoshi and Uraraka can go. He could see the heroes scrambling to get back on their feet, as the villain team slowly closed in on them both. Bakugou with his fire, and Iida by making sure there's no way they could brute force their way through the explosions and get away, by standing on guard in case one of them tries.

"Hito... how are you going to get out of this...?" He muttered softly to himself, one hand gently touching his earpiece, staring off into space. He thought a little bit longer then realised there were a couple ways out of the situation.

He wondered which Hitoshi was going to take.


Hitoshi flinched, a bit of debris skimming past his cheek. Bakugou was blasting the rubble Uraraka was throwing at them, waiting for her to tire out. In all the chaos, Hitoshi's voice would be so quiet he wouldn't even be heard, let alone responded to.

Uraraka was the only one doing anything, and she was starting to tire herself out. Iida seemed to not be doing anything either, just standing around, but he knew better. Iida was on standby in case either he or Uraraka made a break for it. He could technically try and attack Hitoshi or Uraraka directly, but with her quirk, it would be safer for him to stay out of her range, so he was just waiting for her to give in to her quirk's drawbacks.

C'mon Hitoshi... think!

He glanced around their surroundings. Just pillars, rubble... there was a staircase nearby, but nothing that stood out... He could make Uraraka activate her quirk again and float them both out of the window, but they'd continue to float and would just fly to a higher floor - the villain team would run up to meet them, and they'd be in the exact same situation...

... wait...

"Uraraka, make us float, we can get out the window!"

"But... I'm not sure I can hold us for long, my quirk..."

"That's fine, just a few seconds is all we need!"

With Hitoshi's persistence, Uraraka became convinced, and activated her quirk on them both, letting Hitoshi lead her to the window. Bakugou and Iida tried to stop them, but they quickly jumped out.

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