Glass Heart - Chapter Seventy-Seven

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It was the time Izuku had been so nervous for... the very first lesson he'd teach - the heroics class with All Might.

He hadn't seen All Might ever since that offer several years ago... when he finally felt like everyone was starting to respect quirkless individuals again All Might, the symbol of peace, the role model he had looked up to for years, was the one who slammed the knife into his chest and said that quirkless individuals can't be heroes - and that Izuku wouldn't be able to survive in the heroic world without one.

Izuku wanted to scream and fight with all he had - but he forced himself to calm down and continue walking to his fate - feeling slightly nauseous as he moved from one leg to another, inching closer to the doors which held his new challenge just beyond them.

He tugged at his hood to make sure it was there and still helping him cover his face - although part of him simply performed the action for some brief sort of comfort - and pushed open the doors, bracing himself for All Might, or for someone to yell at him, or for him to do something wrong.

Here - as a teacher - he was entirely out of his element. He had no training - neither did All Might! What was Nezu thinking, asking heroes untrained in education to teach children - and to teach them HEROICS?! He might get everyone killed-!

"Problem child, stop stressing." Shouta said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Instead of flinching, as he would have if anyone other than Shouta, Hizashi, Hitoshi or Shoto had placed a hand near him (let alone on his shoulder), he instead immediately began to calm down, comforted by the presence of his dad.

"We're not supposed to know each other when I'm wearing this costume." Izuku replied sadly, moving away from Shouta. "But I'm still very glad you're here - Eraserhead."

He sighed slightly, wishing he could really tell Shouta how he felt. "Would you mind helping me out with my first class?"

"You're first shared class, you mean? You're with All Might, he should help you right?" Shouta said, his expression a mixture of confused and concerned. Izuku glanced away, wondering if he should tell Shouta the literal truth, or the personal truth, eventually deciding on the literal truth - not wanting to worry Shouta, or get All Might punched in the face.

"He - he's a bit spontaneous and destructive. In addition neither of us have had any teaching training. I'm worried about standing up to him, and that makes me concerned for the safety of the students."

Shouta nodded slowly. "Very well, I see your point." He sighed. "You're right, I'll help supervise this class - although I'm sure you'll be fine."

Izuku nodded in return, relaxing a bit now Shouta was also going to join the class. He had his dad - he'd be fine!

... right?


He was not fine.

How he ended up paired with Yaoyorozu against Kaminari and Jirou he really didn't know. No, he did know. The quirkless... jerk... All Might seemed to figure that Deku wasn't that much tougher than the other students here, and since Izuku had gone to Shouta earlier that day, telling him some things he saw Mineta doing - leading him to getting called into the principal's office, he decided Izuku would be the best replacement for him.

Izuku wished Mineta would finally get expelled, but he would most likely just get severely punished - as Nezu wanted to show the Hero Board that UA wasn't deliberately trying to get anyone - including Mineta - kicked out - combined with Izuku not yet having any evidence.

But he will get evidence.

He will.

Izuku shook his head, trying to focus on the trial instead of his growing anger for both Mineta and All Might - once All Might realised Mineta wouldn't be able to make it for the trial he quickly decided Deku was weak enough to be on the same level as Mineta, and quickly put him in Mineta's place for the trial - of course rubbing salt in the wound by telling Izuku to be 'careful'. Jerk. Shouta even went along with it, his words of 'prove him wrong' not doing much to quell Izuku's growing concern.

While part of him was warm and fuzzy with finally being able to feel like a UA student - something that, for a while, for years, had been his biggest dream - being compared to Mineta felt like a slap in the face. He wasn't like Mineta - and he wasn't like All Might either.

He was a true hero.

He sighed, absentmindedly running his hand through his hair. Yaoyorozu had gone to him earlier, wanting to come up with a strategy, but Izuku asked if she wouldn't mind waiting until after Hitoshi and Katsuki's battle. She was confused - as of course he wasn't supposed to know Hitoshi or Katsuki - but he played it off as wanting to get an idea of what the battle would be like for them, and she seemed to believe that.

He smiled at Shoto, who was also watching the battle, and even though his mask covered his smile, he felt that Shoto still knew he smiled at him, and Shoto gave him a small wave and smile back before turning to watch the 'villains' and 'heroes' set up for their battle.

He didn't need to watch Shoto's battle - he would win - so he could spend some of that battle time planning with Yaoyorozu. He turned away from Shoto and focused back on the first battle - between Hitoshi and Katsuki.

This was going to be interesting.

Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday, I got really sick. My mum caught me trying to write and banned me from my computer because I needed to rest - luckily I still have the wattpad app on my phone and could let you all know there that I couldn't update, otherwise I would have gone insane with worry XD

So, Hitoshi took Izuku's place in the anime - which means he'd be where Izuku would have been in anime canon. Therefore, I researched online to figure out who Mineta fought against and with, and just... replaced Mineta with Izuku - I figured it wasn't a bad loss XD

... unfortunately he'll be back later though...

Anyway, next chapter will be Hitoshi and Katsuki's test. I hope you're looking forward to it!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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