Glass Heart - Chapter Eight

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"So..." Izuku nervously fumbled with his hands, trying to will himself to look at this mysterious principle of UA, however his nervousness won out, and he found himself looking everywhere except the principle - Nezu, if he heard Eraserhead correctly.

Nezu calmly waited for Izuku to continue speaking, however it seemed Izuku's spoken word was the only one he was uttering without prompt. As much as Izuku's hands were fidgeting, his mouth wasn't moving an inch.

"Izuku." Nezu finally gave in and spoke into the silent room. Izuku jumped slightly from shock, and then turned his head to look at Nezu.

"Izuku," Nezu started again, "You may be wondering whether I'm a dog, bear or mouse!"

"I - I just assumed you were a Chimera?" Izuku muttered, glancing at Nezu's face.

"A - A Chimera?" Nezu paused, and then laughed. "For a nine-year-old, your levels of deduction are impressive. Not even some of the teachers have deduced that I'm a Chimera, and they're supposed to be pro heroes!"

"Umm... thanks?" Izuku smiled softly, starting to warm up to the principle. "Can I... can I ask why you wanted to meet me?"

"Of course Izuku! It's quite simple - Eraserhead showed me photos he took of your analysis work! Quite extraordinary. I would hate to see such valuable life... wasted... so how would you like to become a personal student of mine?"

The complete bluntness of Nezu threw Izuku off balance. A personal student? Him? Was he worthy to be Nezu's personal student??

... what WAS a personal student?

"Umm Nezu... Sir... what is a personal student? W - what do they... do?"

"Oh, it's quite simple Izuku! On Saturdays, you'll spend the day with me." Nezu informed him. "I would hope for it to be quite enjoyable for you. We will simply be having long discussions on heroes and the like."

"That... sounds nice..." Izuku paused. "What if my... analysis powers disappear? Will you leave me too? I don't think I could be part of something so nice for it to be dependent on one singular part of me..."

"Please don't worry, Izuku. I want to see you, not just your analytical prowess. If you lacked that prowess, I'm sure we could spend your time with me some other way - maybe by talking about school or other aspects of your life. Maybe we could play some chess or card games."

Izuku brightens. "Oh! I've always wanted to know how to play chess!"

Nezu blanched. "You don't know how to play??"

"... no?"

Nezu then launched into a 3 hour seminar over the rules, strategies, and basic structure of chess. Once he finally finished his tutorial, he challenged Izuku to a quick game, and while Izuku lost, he performed extremely well for a nine-year-old's first time - especially against Nezu.

Suddenly an alarm sounded, and Nezu smiled.

"Ah! That's to signal that our session today is over. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see you again next Saturday, Izuku."

"Even... Even though I... lost?" Izuku asked, confused.

"Of course! It's your first time playing, it makes sense that you'd not win on your first attempt. I look forward to the day you do beat me, although that probably won't be for another few years."

Nedzu paused again, tilting his head slightly, and smiled. "Ah, perfect timing! Come in Eraserhead!"

Suddenly the door handle turned and Shouta walked in.

"How do you always know when I'm at the door?" He grumbled, walking into the room.

"Hi Shouta!" Izuku shouted happily.

Shouta froze.


Izuku both froze and gasped in one movement, slapping his hands over his mouth. After a short pause, the muttering apologies started.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I should've asked your permission to use your name - and not even your last name, I called you by your first name, oh gosh pleasedon'thatemeIpromiseI'lldobetterand-"




"I, what, huh?" Izuku glanced up to see Eraserhead (Shouta?) with his hands on Izuku's shoulders.

"Izuku, it's okay, you can call me Shouta if you'd like." Shouta said to him, a soft smile on his face. "Now let's go back to Recovery Girl, okay?"

Izuku nodded, tears on his cheeks drying. Shouta took Izuku's tiny hand in his and began to lead him out of Nezu's office.

"Oh Aizawa, I'd like to see you alone for a moment." Nezu chirruped, before the door closed. Shouta sighed, shoving his hand into his face exasperatedly, before turning back to Izuku.

"I'll be right back, stay here please. Even if you're healed enough to go home, you're still injured. Okay?"

Izuku nodded, and Shouta nodded in return, before heading back inside, a small goofy grin on his face.

Once the door closed, Nezu raised a small eyebrow at Shouta's grin.

"What? Fine I like the kid." Shouta said, the grin never leaving his face.

"Well, how would you feel about fostering him?"

"... what?"

Hi everyone! Sorry for being a few hours later than normal, I had to write almost the entire chapter today lol - I'm not saying the 'entire' chapter because I wrote the first paragraph yesterday. Technically I'm not late because it is still Sunday for me - just Sunday evening instead of Sunday morning.

I hope you enjoyed the new chapter and I'll see you next week!!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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