Glass Heart - Chapter Nine

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Shouta sat on his sofa, pondering Nezu's question. Izuku had already been dropped back off at Recovery Girl's office, and he was going to interview Izuku with Tsukauchi tomorrow. Izuku had seemed incredibly upset at the separation and only relented in allowing Shouta to leave once Shouta promised he'd return tomorrow. The connection between him and his problem child pushes this question even further.


His thoughts seemed to constantly trail back to that one question. Yes, earlier he had considered it, but Shouta had considered it in a 'it would be really nice but probably would never happen, mythological ideas' way - not in a serious way. Housing a child takes planning. Money. Serious preparation. Which he currently was trying to gain.

"Hizashi." Shouta called, as the front door to his house opened and Hizashi strolled in.

"Yes, Shou?" Hizashi smiled, while removing his shoes and jacket.

"How would you feel about us housing a kid?"

Hizashi froze.

"I mean I'm not opposed to it, but if we're having a kid, are you talking about adoption, or..."

Shouta slapped his face with his palm. "Crap - housing a kid Hizashi, not having one!"

"Ahh..." Shouta couldn't tell if Hizashi looked happy or disappointed. "Well, which little listener would you be wanting to house? I doubt you'd want to take care of any random kid."

"Why are you asking this? I'm pretty sure you already know which kid I'm talking about." Shouta replied, a faint smile on his face.

Hizashi gasped slightly. "Of course - little listener Izuku." He smiled again as he sat down next to Shouta and placed a hand on his knee. "I understand your concern, but we've been together for what? Four years now?"

"Five in three months." Shouta said unconsciously.

"We've gone through so much together - we can handle a child... right?"

Shouta entwined his fingers with Hizashi's and leant closer to give him a kiss.

"Yeah, we can handle a kid."

---Time Skip---

"We can't handle a kid."

Just five seconds ago he had burst into Recovery Girl's office to see Izuku - and Izuku was gone. Bed completely empty.

Shouta ignored the almost parental concern riddled in his chest, and frantically spun around to leave the room and go search for-

"I - Izuku?" Shouta stammered, almost slamming into the young boy, who was standing in the doorway. "Why aren't you in your bed?"

"I - I just...!" Izuku stumbled back, tripping over, and landing on his back. Automatically, Shouta reached out a hand to help him up, and received... a bunch of flowers?

"Here! I left early to - to get you these, S - Shou... ta..." Shouta watched Izuku looking at the ground - probably worried about Shouta's reaction to Izuku calling him by his citizen name and not his hero name.

Shouta pulled the flowers closer to him and away from Izuku, holding out his other hand to the kid, and pulling him up. Once Izuku was upright and in bed resting, Shouta took a closer look at the flowers. Irises. Blue irises.

What do they represent again?

"Thanks Izuku, they're very pretty. I'll place them in a vase at home later." He said, placing them in a small cup filled with water on the side of Chiyo's desk. Seeing Izuku's eyes light up at his approval was worth him having to go shopping for a decent vase later.

"Hey Midoriya?"

"Y - You can call me 'Izuku', Shouta. I mean, you've done that a few times by accident already." Izuku interrupted, chuckling slightly.

Shouta ignored the warmth in his chest from seeing Izuku laugh.

Definitely not parental.

Izuku turned his head, tears still in his eyes from laughing so hard, and smiled at Shouta. He couldn't help but return it, that warm feeling in his chest blossoming further.

Not parental at all.

... crap, it's parental isn't it?

Hey guys! Sorry for the update being shortish but I've been at work all week doing school stuff and home stuff etc. Honestly I'm just glad I was able to get this chapter our today (for me it's still Sunday) XD

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you guys again next week.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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