Glass Heart - Chapter Thirty-Three

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Deku, under the disguise of Izuku Aizawa, walked the school halls with his brother Hitoshi Aizawa, trying to press himself into the shadows of the other students, to try and hide themselves as much as possible.

With the appearance of Deku, the bullying had started to recede. While this wasn't the initial planned outcome for more Quirkless support, Izuku was glad it happened. It meant both him and Hitoshi had more time to focus on school work, although Izuku - under Nezu's guidance - was starting to creep ahead in his class work and had begun to do University level work instead.

As Izuku walked the hallways of the school he's spent the last few years of his life in, his mind wandered to the events of yesterday - when All Might wanted to give Izuku his quirk. Izuku found it very flattering, but he was the last person who needed a quirk - his whole hero goal was to be an example - to show people that anyone could be a hero.

But when he told All Might that...


"Young Deku, you need a quirk! Do you really think you can make it in the world of heroes without one?"

"... All Might, Sir." Izuku's voice deepened, partly thanks to his voice changer, and his eyes flashed. "Please apologise for that horridly offensive remark."

"What remark, young Deku? I was simply stating-"

"You were LYING." Izuku took a deep breath to try and compose himself. "I can make it as a hero, with or without a quirk. People who don't have quirks are not useless - we can make movements in our own way!"

"But Deku, be reasonable here-"


"But - Young Deku-"

"Do not call me that anymore, just call me Deku now." His voice was cold. "Thank god there are some non-quirk-phobic heroes in this society, otherwise I may have just lost faith." He folded his arms and turned away from All Might. "I guess that's another thing to thank Eraserhead for. Nezu too."

"N - Nezu?"

"Yeah, Nezu. The same one I'm seeing later today, with this experience of you engraved into my memory."

"Ah, Youn - uhh - Deku, there's no need to be hasty-"

"So after you insult the very existence of my being, you want me to not tell Nezu of it? Figures the top hero would be such a coward. I will tell him, there's no getting out of it. Just be grateful I'm not going to tell anyone about your secret - All Might."

And with that, Izuku left, still shaking in anger.

It somehow wasn't as much as Shouta shook when Izuku told him about it.


Izuku had told Nezu about it, and apparently Nezu did scold All Might to the best of his ability, but he couldn't do much else, as Nezu hadn't employed All Might and therefore had no power to properly punish him.

Shouta however...

Apparently Shouta - as Eraserhead went searching for Toshinori every time he went on patrol, and when he eventually found him, he scolded him even worse than Nezu, and threatened to attack him next time he so much as went near Deku. Izuku finally got told this after he said he met All Might's eyes when they were both patrolling in a nearby area, All Might's face paled and he took off.

Izuku had responded to Shouta's confession with a smile and small laugh, his heart happy and warm with the knowledge that his family would stick up for him if he needed it.

Now, Izuku chuckled, remembering All Might's pale face at the sight of his hero persona. Hitoshi glanced at him questioningly, but Izuku simply shook his head with a smile, raising both his hands above his head to look like bunny ears. Hitoshi faintly muttered an 'Oh...' and then went quiet, knowing they shouldn't talk about the hero Deku in public, just in case.

Hitoshi separated from Izuku and walked off to their classroom, and Izuku continued walking up to the principle's office. For some reason Nezu had asked that at the beginning of the day Izuku head over there and that it's important. Izuku knew better than to question Nezu, so off he went.

As he pushed open the principle's door, he saw the principle, shaking, in his office seat, with Nezu sitting on the table, a couple chairs being in front of it. Once he spotted Izuku and Izuku greeted them both, he jumped off the table and sat in one of the chairs, Izuku moving to sit in the other one, waiting for Nezu to speak.

"Izuku. I've been discussing with Eraserhead, and we decided it might be preferable for you if I teach you, with your high intellect."

The principle looked shocked. "What? No! He's quirkle-" At both Izuku and Nezu's glares, he retracted his statement. "I, uhh... he hasn't shown any major improvements in his classes?"

"That's because Izuku's teachers are all biased pricks." Nezu said, before covering his mouth with his paws. "Oh, excuse my language."

Izuku sighed.

This was going to be a long meeting.

Hiya! This is the first step in an eventual main plot point, but small steps need to be taken first XD

Written 11th January - during a class! Don't worry though, the class hasn't started yet due to technological issues, so technically while I'm supposed to be in class, I'm not? So... yea XD

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Don't worry: IZUKU WILL NOT BECOME A VILLAIN - I'm really bad at writing Villain fics, so I'd rather keep sassy Izuku with biased All Might. I'm looking at you Lauren - just try it, my doors and windows are LOCKED XD

Again these chapters are written in advance so I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction to this chapter! I know some people were really excited to see some Deku All Might clashing, but I'm sure there's also some people who don't like that. If you're one of the latter then I'm sorry, but Izuku and All Might, at least right now, are not going to get along well.

Next chapter will be the continuation of this conversation, and something else at the end (not entirely sure what yet - oh actually I think I know, literally just hit me lol but I'll keep it a secret).

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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