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The last few days were amazing. We had the daily teens talk everyday and it was amazing. I also have a plan to give my life Christ today. Through these last days I realized that Jesus loves me and no matter how dirty I am, he wants me to come to him so he can purify me.

"Okay I'm ready"

We started making our way towards the field where the Bon fire was going to take place. When we got there, The place wasn't ready so we decided to help out.

By the time we were done helping out, the place was really beautiful. Logs were placed into a giant square around a tiny pit where the fire was going to be. There was a big table at the other side of the field where snacks were.

People had already started coming so Cole waited until there was a good amount of people sited before he started talking.

" Welcome to the last night of FROM SEEDFS TO SEQUOIA 2020. I was going to preach this evening but I was instructed otherwise. As you know there is a group that I usually move and obviously our lives weren't all rain and sunshine. This evening, two of us are going to share our stories. The first one to speak would be Victor"

Victor came up, took a deep breath then started talking

" When I was fourteen I won't say I was a Christian. I only went to church because it was a normal routine in my house. I never opened my Bible unless we were asked to in Church and that was how life went on. When I was sixteen, My sister invited me to this event hosted by MINE teenage ministry and I decided to go because I didn't want to be at home all day alone. Before that, I always felt that even if I wanted to give my life to Christ fully I wouldn't be able to because of all the things I had done before hand. That day, there was something the head Pastor said that I would never forget. He said ' Nothing you ever do will make God love you less. He is waiting for you. Come home. He did an alter call and I came out. He prayed for us that came out and after he prayed I felt this kind of overwhelming peace flow through me. That was how I dedicated my life to serving God. My last words to you as I leave are GOD IS WAITING FOR YOU TO COME HOME." With that he went back to sit while everyone was clapping. 

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