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Being with Daniella and the rest has been quite great actually. I may not have given my life to Christ but I have not cut myself because they always found a way to make sure I'm around one of them or make me too happy to think about cutting myself.  I have not even written a depressing poem and that's saying something because it was almost everyday I needed to express my dark emotions. 

We put tiny camera's around my house and it was only noticeable when you look really closely and I doubt any of my parents will be doing any of that. 

My mom came home about three times but I pretended she was not there. The first time she came, I was in the kitchen when she entered the house. She stood at the front of the kitchen but I pretended  she was not there and continued doing what I was doing. By the time I was done and leaving for my room, she was still at the door so I just shrugged past her and went to my room. 

The other two times I did not leave my room and the only reason I knew it was her was because I did not her my dad's car pull up and I heard the heels clicking on the floor. I am pretty sure she knew I was home because I had not intentions of hiding that fact, I moved around freely without caring I was making noise. 


We were eating lunch in the gym with Cole when Ella brought up an event that was happening soon.

" have you guys heard of the trip to that beach house?"





The last one was obviously me. Ella's eyes grew wide instantly and she said 

"Woman do you live under a rock or something?"

"nope, I just tend to not care about the new buzz of the week... why is the school doing it anyways?" 

" well they do it every year but at different times. It has been done since the school was in existence. It is for a week. On the last day there is always a bonfire. It is not compulsory to go but most students go just to get away from school. It is only for the senior year. you have to sign up actually. The first fifty people to sign up get to go. Sign ups close today" 

My eyes widened at that, of course i was going, I am definitely not going to pass up the opportunity of not being in that house for a whole week. 

" I haven't signed up, oh my gosh!! what are you guys waiting for let's go sing up" I started packing up my things but stopped when I realized that no one else was packing but they were all silently laughing, well Ella and the twins were silently laughing while Cole was full on blown laughing to extent tears were running down his face and he fell on the floor. I looked at every one confused  until it dawned on me. 

"Let me guess Cole is one of the staff in charge of staying with us and this year, he is taking charge therefore he was able to get our names on the list first and Ella only asked because she wanted to be sure she will be with all her besties while she is there" 

They all looked at me with wide eyes and opened mouths. I just shrugged and said " I spend most of my time with you, I've picked up a lot of things" 

Before they could reply, the bell rang and I packed up the rest of my things, waved and left to my next class. 


Victor dropped me off at home and the first thing i noticed was that my dad's car was in the drive way. I told Victor good bye and went into the house through my room window. I have lasted long enough without a single bruise I don't want one now. 

I was doing my homework when i heard the clicking of my mom's heels and i groaned knowing what was coming next since my dad was at home. I quickly packed my books and clothes for tomorrow then called Ella. She picked up at the third ring. 

" Hey Vick whatsup?" 

By then my parents were shouting already. 

" I was wandering if I could come spend the night  at your house, both of my parents are home" I jumped when I heard glass breaking. 

" yeah sure, I'm leaving my house now"

 I was already out the window and I started walking so I was a few blocks away from my house by the time she was there. I agreed then hung up and continued walking. It took me a little over ten minutes to get far enough from my house and when I got there Ella was already there with the passenger sit of her car open. 

I got in and thanked and soon enough she was pulling up in front of her house. We both got out and went straight for her room ignoring her little siblings that were watching SpongeBob in her living room. 

When I got into her room, I dropped my bag on the floor and looked around and spotted a picture of her and her family, I smiled and walked over to the picture remembering how my family used to be just like that. I sighed and turned around to meet Ella holding up a note pad and pen grinning mischievously at me. 

Things like this always end with me trying to run away. 

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