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" ..... although I think something is going on that she is not telling us. I noticed some bruises on her arm earlier today when her sleeve rode up but decided not to pry. Also.." 

I interrupted before she could continue. 

" Ella, I think you should not say anything until she is willing to tell you and secondly, do you mind.." I motioned to my note in front of me.." I need to prepare for Bible study" 

 She rolled her eyes and said " firstly, didn't you hear me? I said I did not want to pry. Secondly, you're no fun" She ended the second statement with a pout to which I rolled my eyes. 

I ignored her and continued preparing. 


It was time for Bible study and I spotted Ella and the twins coming in with a girl I had never seen  before. Probably a new girl. 

I was going to walk up to them but stopped, realizing that it was time to start. I walked to the front and said 

" Hello, everyone and welcome to Bible study. I would like to invite Victory to lead us in Worship" and I stepped aside. I soon noticed that the girl they came in with was leaving angrily and I had an urging in my spirit to stop her, So I did. 

I stopped her by holding her wrist and her flinch did not go unnoticed by me and said  " please, stay if you don't like today's session no one will force you to come again"  She sighed and nodded then went back to her seat . I silently thanked God for touching her heart as I walked back to my former position. 


Prayers had ended and it was time for me to preach. I m0oved to the front, said a silent prayer asking God to lead me and started, by, introducing myself. 

" Many of you know me, some of you don't. So I'll introduce myself. I am Cole, a youth pastor fore teenagers and today I am going to be speaking on the love of God" I noticed the unknown girl roll h8er eyes but ignored it and started. 

"God's love is unconditional, no matter what he loves you. In Jeremiah 31; 3. God tells us how his love is everlasting, God knows and cares deeply for us, God knows us deeply and he will give us good things we ask for, He says it in Mathew 7: 8-11. Even when we sin, we can be assured that God still loves us and seeks to bring us back into harmony with Him. However, it is up to us; we can accept or reject God's love. No matter how far our lives have drifted away from God, we must never be discouraged and think we are beyond hope. It says it there in the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15: 4-7. Nothing you do will ever make God stop loving you.

The still unknown girl raised her hand and I took it. She asked a really common question which made me smile. 

" If God claims to love us, why does he allow bad things to happen to us?"

I replied saying " you see, God does this for trial, to see if you would stick wit him no matter what happens, just like Job in the bible. He lost everything yet he refused to curse God, It says it in James 1:2-3 " Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness".

The session ended quickly and after speaking to a few people, I went to my bag and picked the book I had seen on the floor in the hallway and opened it. There were a lot of poems in it and they were all depressing. I never got to finish reading it because Ella came to speak to me but I knew I had to take it to the lost and found. Maybe the owner would look for it there. 


I made my way towards the lost and found but stopped when I saw the back of the girl who had been at the Bible study. From her position, it was obvious she was crying. 

" are you okay?" of course she was not okay but it did not hurt to still ask

She quickly cleaned her face and turned around to face me. 

" No, i lost my poem book and that book is basically part of my life, i express my feeling through writings those poems and now it just disappeared in thin air and now i need to get home before five and it is a thirty minute walk from here but this is already 4:45"

So she's the owner of the book. well... I reached into my bag, brought out the book and said 

" you must be the owner of this book"

 She took the book from my hand and asked

 " how much did you read?"

I sighed and said 

" only two pages left". 

She sighed " Never speak a word of it to anyone" and she left.

I prayed as I walked home for God to heal her broken heart. 



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Should I do more of this.. 

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