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Cole came back during our free period for bible study and even before they left,he refused to look at me. Ella told me he left because he was angry and he doesn't like being around people when he is angry and he just needs time. She said that he really cares about and the thought of me ever getting hurt scares him to death.

"do you think Cole would ever forgive me? I really didn't mean to cut, it is an impulsive thing"

It was currently after school, and Ella and I were packing for the trip at my house since it was in five days and Ella claims to love being ready ahead. While I was packing, Ella was sitting on bed watching me.

"He isn't angry at you Vick, he's just like that when he gets angry, he'll come around after sometime, don't stress over it."

I sighed but didn't reply. I continued packing and we stayed silent until I heard the voice I haven't heard in a long time.


Ella and I looked at each other with wide eyes both knowing it was my father. That was the first time in months he had come home and with the tone of his voice we both knew that what was going to happen wasn't good.


Ella started looking at me wearily already knowing what I was going to do.

"Follow me"

We both went downstairs slowly hoping he would just disappear but unfortunately we got downstairs and he was standing there looking the angriest I've ever seen him.

It looked he calmed down a little seeing that I had a guest with me but it really disgusted me to see the way he was ogling at Ella.

"who's this?" He asked without taking his eyes off Ella.

"DAD this is one of my best friends Ella and Ella this is my dad Mr Peterson"

"Nice to meet you sir" Ella said through greeted teeth. I saw one thing that I never thought I'd see in her eyes, Anger.

"nice to meet you too Ella, Victoria can I speak to you in private" My dad said sweetly, a little too sweetly.

I turned to Ella and she was already looking at me with wide eyes, I signaled her to go upstairs then mouthed to her

what ever happens don't come downstairs

She shook her head but I assured her it would be okay.She reluctantly went upstairs and I followed my dad silently to the kitchen.

As soon as Ella was out of sight, A slap came to my face.

"You slut, I'm gone for sometime and this is what you have been doing, bringing people into my house"

A blow

A slap

A kick

Don't scream it would satisfy him. I chanted to myself over and over again.

"It's all because of you"

What the fish is all because of me.





I was about to loose consciousness when the door of my house bust open. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Cole and Victor rushing in. 

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