№ 40 || Life Isn't Fair

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~2nd Period~


"Kirsten..." I look over at her, she's looking down at her phone. "Kirsten?" I give her puppy eyes. "Come on..." She still continues to look down at her phone. "Kirsten!-" "What?! Can't you see I'm busy?" Her angry face soon turns into one of shock, realizing who she had just yelled at. "Sorry..." "it's fine." I say in a foul tone and slump myself back into my seat.

operation fix albert 🤠😔

You have removed 'Kirsten 🤍' from the chat.

You - Kirsten just legit yelled at me :(

'Albert 🤠' - WHAT

'Raven 🦉' - I guess I have to change the name now

'Raven 🦉' has changed the group name to 'operation fix kirsten 👩🏻‍🦳😔'.

'Albert 🤠' - great name but why doesn't the emoji have eyebrows


You - 0-0

'Kaden 👁' - well uh

You - This is too much

'Raven 🦉' - I know y/n but we're gonna get kirsten back

I take a shaky breath out and out of the corner of my eye I see Albert giving me this concerned look. "I'm fine." I smile, and he winks back playfully.

~after school~

I'm sitting with Albert at my house, Kaden was off doing whatever he does, so me and him were alone. "I think I'm gonna go eat later." I sigh. "Oh... well what if he's there?" Albert asks, tapping on his phone. "Forget about him!" I say a little harshly, but I was having a horrible day. "Yeah, but what if something happens to you?" He turns his phone off. "What could possibly happen to me?!" "I don't know, Y/N, but I want you to be safe." "Well I want peace and quiet, but life isn't fair, isn't it?" I blurt out, immediately regretting it. "Wow, so your friends looking out for you is annoying? I'll remember that next time." He says in a tone that I've never heard from him, except when he was avoiding me because of Leah. It was almost kind of scary hearing that side of him again. "Yeah, you sure will." I clutch my backpack in my hands and stomp out of the room, a tear going down my cheek.

I think I just lost Albert.

~time skippyrue~

(after rereading "skippyrue" it reminded me of bandirue 😏)

I drove to some random restaurant, but it didn't really matter, I needed to get my mind off of life right now. I walk in, wearing a flamingo hoodie that was a little too big for me, and jeans, which is what I was wearing with Albert. I get my table and order a drink fairly quickly. Looking down at my phone, tears threatening to drip out of my eyes, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see a blue haired man.

Of course, Dan.

"You're alone this time, aren't you?" "Go away." I mumble. "You're coming with me." He smirks, and starts pulling on my wrist. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" I protest, but not very loudly. "If you don't, your little boyfriend will have to." "Wha- Albert?" "Yes, idiot." I let out a sigh and get up from my seat, and we walk out of the store, and he leads me to his car. "What are you gonna do?" I ask, with a sassy tone. "Whatever I want." He smirks, and starts driving.

Crap, the dream. Maybe this is a dream...

I try to wake up, but it wasn't working. I was being kidnapped. And it didn't look like Albert gave a crap this time.

Authors note wooeoweirifidxjha

Hey so don't yell at me for this

don't leave because you've made it this far already and the ending chapters are definitely worth it to stay


(also happy New Years, this crappy year is finally gonna end woo)

(Word count: 650)

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