№ 47 || Plan B

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Albert P.O.V

"Crap, I'm so nervous." Y/N whispers to me in the middle of 2nd period. "Why?" I ask, whispering. The teacher really didn't care if we talked since everyone was done with the assignments. "For later... what if she's not there? What if she kicks us out?" "That's ridiculous. She knows who her true friends are." I reassure her. "Are you sure?" "Yes, Y/N." "Ok... let's hope we don't screw things up later." She sighs. "Yeah."

~smol time skip to after school~

"To Kirsten's house?" Y/N asks, walking out of the school with me. "Yup." I smirk, and we exit the school and walk towards my car. "Your car is so nice, I'll never really get used to it." She laughs. "You know the only reason I have this car is because of you, right?" I ask, smirking, getting in the car. "Wait... What?" She gives me a confused look while buckling her seatbelt. "My subscribers. Basically all the money I have comes from YouTube." I explain, starting the car. "Oh... Speaking of YouTube, my channel has 50k subs now." She smiles, and I give her wide eyes. "How?" I ask, starting to pull out of the parking lots and onto the road. "You advertised me a lot, which by the way, you didn't have to do..." "teehee." I smile and she laughs, then continues. "And you have 2.6million subscribers. Kaden advertised me and he has 75k subscribers. Jayden advertised me and he has 60k subscribers, and Megan advertised me and she has 400k subscribers. So... yeah." She smiles. (none of those numbers are real as of 2020 btw, I'm just doing little predictions- you get it.) "None of you had to do it, by the way. My content isn't even good." She states. "We didn't do it because we had to, we did it because we wanted to." I say in a quirky tone, smirking, keeping my eyes on the road. "You're the wisest peanut brain I know." She laughs, and I chuckle. "I know." I smile, feeling honored.

~ time skip to Kirsten's house ~

"Are you gonna do it or am I gonna do it??" Y/N asks quickly, whispering. "I don't know!" I reply, whispering as well. "Whatever I'll do it!" She says, quickly, and gives Kirsten's front door 3 soft knocks. We soon hear footsteps from inside the house, walking towards the door. The door soon flings open and we see non other than...

Kirsten. Just Kirsten lol

"Hi." She greets in a foul tone, wearing a white robe. "Hey..." Y/N tries to say something back, but it ended up being awkward. "Come in, I guess." Kirsten widens the door and we walk inside. We sit in Kirsten's living room, on the couches. I was sitting to the left and Kirsten and Y/N were next to each other, on the opposite side from me. "So, why'd you come?" She asks, looking down at her hands that were laying in her lap. "Kirsten, we wanted to talk to you about you and Jake." I answer, staring straight into her eyes with a serious look. "What, that we're dating? Yeah, we are. And if you're gonna try and say I'm not happy with him or whatever, than you can sto-"

"Kirsten." Y/N ends Kirsten's rambling. "Jake's goal in life is to hurt Albert." Y/N tells her, straight to the point. "What?" "He hates Albert. You don't remember that?" "No..." "He hates me because I used to date you when he liked you. He wants to get revenge and he won't stop until he does." I bud in. "How do you know?!" She asks. "Kirsten, this has been happening for a while. I think he brainwashed you, or something." Y/N explains, and Kirsten shakes her head. "No, he didn't. I love Jake!" She protests. "You've known Albert since you all were in elementary school. You've been his best friend for a while. You met me, and immediately trusted me as your friend. We're great friends, Kirsten! And you're really gonna sit here and try to say we aren't?! We came here because we care about you, and we want you back. You don't remember when Albert got brainwashed by Leah? No?" Kirsten's eyes get red and her mouth widens as she listens to what Y/N was saying.

"Y/N... I remember. Now. And I'm sorry..." Her voice starts to crack and get scratchy. "I shouldn't have trusted him." She starts crying. "Hey, it's ok. I'm just happy to have you back." Y/N gives Kirsten a big hug, and Kirsten continues to cry. They separate from the hug and Kirsten turns to me. "I'm so sorry, Albert..." Kirsten apologizes, crying. "Don't be sorry." I smile and I wrap my arms around her, and she cries into my shoulder. It reminded me of that time with Y/N. She separates herself from the hug. "I'm gonna break up with him... tomorrow." She mumbles, but we could still hear her because the room was quiet. "Don't rush it." Y/N smiles, and a smile grows on Kirsten's face. "Thank you, guys." She rubs her eyes. "Anytime." Both of us say at the same time, and we laugh.

~ small time skip to after leaving Kirsten's house ~

"Good job." I smile, getting in the car. "You too, Berto." Y/N smirks, climbing in the car as well. "I didn't know it would be that easy." She sighs, resting her head back on the seat. "Yeah, me either."


I recorded me writing this and then put it in time lapse

idk why you needed to know that-

ok byeee <3

(Word count: 924 woah)

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