№ 50 || Backyard Boy

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Quick A/N-

So basically school let out, Saturday and Sunday have passed, and now y'all are at Raven's house, I didn't wanna write the process of that because I'm lazy and I don't think you all wanna read that. Ok cool

Kaden P.O.V

"No, Roblox is so much better than Minecraft." Albert protested. Megan, Lana and Kirsten were upstairs getting their stuff together and just talking, I guess. Me, Albert, Raven and Y/N were downstairs on the couches, talking about which was better, Minecraft or Roblox. Y/N was sitting on a one person sofa with her legs up, Raven and I were sitting on the couch to the left of Y/N, and Albert was sitting on the couch across from me and Raven. Raven's parents are business people, so they travel a lot and they bought this really big house that Raven has no idea what to do with, so she invited us over for Christmas, and Christmas was in 2 days. "Minecraft is way better." Raven protested, rubbing her eyes. "Minecraft is just little blocks that you place on top of each other, it's boring." Albert explains his opinion, making a stacking motion with his hands. "Kaden, is Minecraft better or is Roblox better?!" Albert asks me in an aggressive tone. Albert is the type of guy who won't give up during an argument, even if he knows he's wrong, and that's what I like about him. "This is my honest opinion," I inform, looking at Raven, then at Albert. "I think Roblox is better, only because half of my success on this earth comes from it, and I've been playing it longer." I smirk. "HAHA!" Albert shouts, victorious. "Y/N still hasn't said what she thinks." Raven looks over to Y/N, she was on her phone. "Well, I'm on Roblox right now, so I'd say Roblox." She laughs, holding her phone up, and Raven sighs. "Fine, whatever. Maybe Roblox is a little bit better." She gives in, smiling. "Yeah, it is." Albert laughs.

Lana P.O.V

"Oh my god, that would be amazing." I say, we were talking about doing a collab because all of us have separate YouTube channels. "Our whole friend group consists of YouTubers." Kirsten points out, organizing her clothes while me and Megan did the same thing, of course listening to her. "Is Y/N a YouTuber?" I ask, and Megan nods. "Wait, really?" Kirsten asks. "Yeah, she's got somewhere around 120,000 now." "What? From where?!" I asked. "We all advertised her." "Oh." Kirsten says. "We need some music, it's really oddly quiet in here." Kirsten gets her phone and starts tapping on it, then a slight smirk appeared on her face and she tapped a song, and put her volume up. "This song is so likable, I swear you guys will love it." She smiles and the song starts playing.

"5, 6, 7, 8..."

"Wait! This is Backyard Boy, I love this song!" Megan familiarizes herself with the song. "Yup." Kirsten smiles. She starts dancing around to it, and Megan joins in, too. After a while we're jamming out to Backyard Boy in the guest room of Raven's house and laughing like maniacs. We hear a knock on the door, and Kirsten stops dancing for a second and opens it, and Raven and Y/N are standing there with very confused looks on their face. "Oh wait, I love this song." Y/N smiles and walks into the room, starting to dance to it.

Long story short, we left the boys downstairs by themselves for like, half an hour while we literally jumped around dancing in the guest room to every song on Kirsten's Spotify playlist.

Kaden P.O.V

"Ok, so Kaden, there's something I need to talk to you about." Albert sighed, sitting on the couch across from me. He probably thought now was the best time because all the girls were upstairs, doing whatever they do. "Ok, hit me. I'm all ears." "I have this plan for what to give Y/N for Christmas, but I have no idea if it's ridiculous or not, so I need your opinion." "Ooh, I'm excited, show me!" I smile and he laughs. "I can't, I already wrapped it. I can explain it to you though, just make sure Y/N doesn't hear, obviously." "Ok, explain."

~ haha idiot YOU'RE Y/N so you don't get to hear hahahahaha ~

"Albert, that's the smartest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth." I smirk and he laughs. "You really think it's a good idea?" He sighs. "Yeah, and you've been waiting too long to do it, so why not tell her first?" He smiled at what I had said. "No, wait, I can make something smarter come out!" Albert said in a baby voice, referring to the thing I had said before. "Uh... 2.. plus... 2... EQUALS 7!" He practically screamed in his iconic child voice. "Yes, big brain." I smile and he laughs.

He was gonna get the girl.

Or- Albert, was gonna get the girl.

He may not be planning on it, but it'll happen eventually.



that's cruel I'd never do that

ok well uh- bye

(Word count: 860)

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