№ 8 || Explaining

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I sit on my couch lazily. It was 2 pm, I had absolutely nothing to do. I get a text.

'Hey Y/N do you wanna come over?'

It was Albert.

'Sure when'

I replied.

'Whenever is fine.'

'Ok, I'll be there in 10'

I send.

'Ok see you then'

I throw on a melting flamingo hoodie, and jeans, and I head out the door to his house. It was only like, 5 minutes away by foot, so it didn't take me long to get there. I knock on the door and it soon opens. He pushes the door back and leads me into his house. 

"I like your hoodie," Albert winks at me. 

"Thanks," I force a smile, trying to act happy. 

I usually am happy when I'm hanging out with Albert, but right now I feel like all my happiness was ripped away from me. 

"Y/N, are you ok?" He looks at me with a concerned look and plops down on his couch. "I'm fine," I smile. "No you aren't." I roll my eyes. "Ok, well... you know how I told you about my mom..." I confess. "yeah..." "well, she randomly left, my dad doesn't know where she is, and I can't stay by myself-" "What?! Where are you staying?" "With Kaden." 

"Oh. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I probably don't understand what you're going through but I'll always be there for you if you need to talk." His small, awkward voice said. I think he's just naturally awkward around everyone now. 

I smile at him warmly. "Thanks, Berto." "mmhmm." I stayed with him most of that afternoon, and we played roblox for a little bit. He gave me his really weird account name and I laughed at it. I can't believe he just walks around with the name "pretty_girl66666666". He was honestly a hilarious guy. 

Probably gets it from Flamingo.

This chapter is so unnecessarily short authors note

this chapter was rly short so ima post another one-

oki byee <3

(Word Count: 333)

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