№ 22 || Cameras

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I was walking to 2nd Period anxiously. I hadn't seen Albert all day and he wasn't answering my texts, which made me become worried after a while. My head is down and I'm seconds away from my 2nd period class when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see...

I need to stop doing this it was Albert

"Albert- where have you been?!" I asked, confused. "Sorry, I... I'm just glad you're here." He says quietly. "What do you mean?" He plasters a fake smile on quickly. "Nothing." he says, trying to sound a bit happier. "Albert, if something's going on you can tell me." He looks at me from the floor, and then sighs. "Y/N, I... I found a camera in my house." "What?!" I said, confused on how it got there. "Yeah, yesterday night... I got suspicious, and... after I found it I got no sleep, at all..." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I was... really overwhelmed. I'm sorry." "Don't be. I'm just happy you're ok." I say, and I lean in and...

dude someone tell me to stop you hugged him-

Albert P.O.V

"I'm just happy you're ok." She says and I smile, my face heating up as she wraps her arms around me hesitantly. "We need to figure out where it came from." She says, letting go of me and walking into class. "I know..." "Wait... Albert!" She says while we both sit down. "Yeah?!" "I have an idea, meet me after school." "Ok..."

Sorry this chapter is really short authors note

Uh- this is short so sorry but next chapter you finally get an insight on why Jake is being a butthole!


ok bye

(Word count: 278)

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