№ 55 || New Years (Part 1)

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"Albert, it's New Years Eve, so wake up, literal idiot." I nudge him. "Nooo..." "Yessss..." I repeat in a mocking tone. "Let me sleep, I didn't get sleep last night." "Why?" "Sleep sucks, and I'm bad at it." "Fine, then I'm sitting here." I proceed to sit next to him on the bed. He didn't seem to mind, so it was whatever.

"Y/N?" "Yeah?" "What do you think is gonna happen?" "With what?" "Jake, and stuff." He sits up in the bed, sitting next to me against the pillow.

Then, I did something I wouldn't have ever expected from MYSELF.

I took my hand,

and put it on top of his.

"You'll be fine." I smile, repeating his exact words from a couple days before, my whole body heating up. He may have been shocked by my sudden gesture, because he didn't do anything for a second, but then held my hand. "I know... it's just, I feel things and I don't tell anyone, because nobody needs to be worried about me, you know?" He explains. "If you're feeling some type of way, you need to tell someone."


"I'm scared."

"What?" "I'm scared, Y/N. I don't know what to do, and I'm scared." He stuttered. I tighten my grip on his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. "Don't be, you have no reason to be." "Yes, I do! Jake knows I'm Flamingo and could easily tell the whole school, and who knows what's gonna happen after that? I'll probably lose my job, and my social life. Leah hates me now after I thought she was this angel, or whatever. Dan is obviously nowhere close to being a good person. I don't know who to trust anymore, Y/N!" I squeeze his hand in a comforting manner. "Albert, you can trust me. I'm in this with you."

He takes a shaky breath in and out, which was odd for me to hear because Albert never showed legitimate nervousness, or anything. "Thank you." "Anytime." I smirk, and he laughs.

The sudden gestures were a friend thing.

Me and Albert are just friends.

Nothing. More.

~ time skip to the legitimate New Years ~

"Come on, it's 11 pm!" I hear Raven call from the living room. "Coming!" I yell. There was one thing I still had to do.

I sat down on the floor, searching for the note that Albert had in my present, and I attempt to translate the French on the back.

"I would be so lost without you, wouldn't I?"

"Uh..." "Y/N, what could you possibly be doing-" Albert barges into the room. "Oh- hey Albert! I'll be out there in like, two seconds." I say quickly, hiding the note behind me. "What are you doing..." "oh, nothing, it's fine. I'll be out there in a second." "Y/N, what were you doing?" I get up from the floor, and walk up to him. "I'll tell you later. Just, come on, let's celebrate this crappy year ending." I wink and he sighs. "Fine, let's go."

Megan P.O.V

"Cheese! We need cheese!" I scream. "Uh- where's cheese?" "IN THE FRIDGE, KIRSTEN! WHERE ELSE WOULD THE CHEESE BE?" "I don't know, I'm sorry!" "Woah there sister, do you guys need any help?" Y/N walks into the kitchen. "Yeah, please. So, go into the fridge, and just get a bunch of crap that you'd put on a cheese platter." I reply, and she laughs. "Ok, so like, meats? Cheeses?" She asks. "Yeah, stuff like that." I smile and she nods, looking into the fridge with Kirsten.

~ smol bean time skip ~

"Crap! Our dumb cheese platter took like, 20 minutes!" I complain. "Yeah, but look how good it looks." Y/N looked down at the cheese platter, and Albert and Kaden laugh from the couches behind us. "You guys did good." Kaden smiles. "Thanks!" I smirk, and he nods. "Wait, where are Lana and Raven?" Kirsten asks. "They're outside decorating." "Oh."

abrupt authors note

cheese is cool

alright bye

(Word count: 647)

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