Stay safe.

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  • Dedicated to Daytrin

The children were huddled behind Olivia, the beast stalking closer and closer. In the middle of a blizzard, the wind swirled and howled, spitting icy tears in every direction.

The monster growled in its throat, louder than the thundering wind around them.

The white monster leapt forward, slashing at Olivia’s cheek. Olivia was thrown across the snow, slamming into the rock hard snow blanket.

Blood ran from her face, as she sunk deeper and deeper into the bitter snow.

The wind carried the children’s screams to her ringing ears.

Olivia was plagued with night terrors like this every night for weeks on end. Either her point of view was as the monster who killed the children, her point of view was herself failing to defend the children, or she was just watching as a ghost from the sky. Every dream became more vivid. Every night she began to avoid sleeping more and more, only to wake up crying every day.

Olivia began to change. With the lack of sleep, she became more irritable, especially with the children. The children only made her flash back to the dreams she had the night before. Olivia dreaded talking to Noel, and tried at all costs to avoid eye contact with Noel and Kelly.

“What’s happening to me.” She thought one night as tears ran from her crusted eyes. “I’m going insane. If this keeps up I’m going to snap.”

If Olivia loses her mind, Noel and Kelly might as well be left alone in the jungle.

Alone with a mad man.


Olivia had no more options. The dreams were only getting worse. In a matter of days, her mental state would be completely drained.

It was that very day that Olivia and the children stumbled upon a village in the Republic of the Congo.


Olivia crouched in the grass, Noel ducking behind her, Kelly strapped to Olivia’s back.

The village was much smaller than the first village Olivia came to. Six circular grass huts were almost huddled together in a tiny clearing in the midsts of the dense green jungle.

After studying the villagers long enough, judging the way the villagers were dressed, how their facial paint looked, and how they interacted with each other, Olivia assessed that they were not cannibals, didn’t have a grudge against white people, and loved children. 

Olivia knew what she had to do would break her heart, but Olivia had no other choice. 

“What are we doing?” Noel whispered from behind Olivia.

“Hush.” Olivia snapped at her.

Olivia studied the grass huts. The birds chirped and insects hummed. Other than that, the day had grown long and silent. All the villagers were either in their huts or had gone away from the village.

Now was their chance.

“Ok, get up!” Olivia whispered to Noel, grabbing her by her wrist. Olivia pulled the little girl as she sprinted up to one of the huts.

When they stood at the wall of the grass hut, Olivia unstrapped Kelly from her back, and handed the infant to Noel.

“Noel, I need you… To be strong.” A lump welled up in her throat as tears foamed in her red eyes. All of her emotions from the past few weeks were about to burst from her heart. “This is your new home. I, promise you…” She swallowed down her urge to cry. “If I’m ever capable of protecting and raising you and Kelly again, I will come back for you. Please…” Olivia sniffed, her face growing tomato red. “Stay safe.” 

Olivia leaned down and kissed Noel on the forehead. She knelt down even lower and kissed sleeping little Kelly in Noel’s arms.

And without another word, Olivia turned, and ran into the jungle, sobbing, not looking back at the gems of her life she could not protect.

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