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Mello my little snowflakes. The Snow Girl here, Brouwer Power, whatever you wanna call me, I don't care :)
Today, I bring to one and all big news: Yes, you heard me. BEEEEEG.
Weel, for startest, I need to shed light on with the situation with Mum. You may have noticed that I haven't updated Mum in, what, two months? Let me go check...
Holy crap yup two months. Wow...
Well guys, as I said, I need to shed light on this situation. I'm sorry I don't update, heck let alone get on Wattpad at all, as much as I used to. Whenever I feel like I can't update something, I don't want to get on Wattpad because it makes me feel... Horrible. I feel like I'm failing you guys by leaving you on cliff hanger after cliff hanger. I am so sorry guys, it's just, I want to put the best writing I possibly can in my books, but when I feel like I can't make it as good as it can be, I don't want to update it at all, because I don't want to accept anything less. Nor should you guys have to.
So after many hours of pondering, guilt, and wonder, I have decided to put Mum on hold until further notice. I want to clear my head, stop thinking about it, get into a fresh series that I can get YOU guys into.
Again guys, I'm so sorry. I see comments from people that say they were so excited that I updated, that it made their day, and it makes me so overwhelming happy that someone cares for my book and the characters so much. But when I can't update because, well, I just can't, I feel like the most horrible person in the world: Like I don't deserve you guys. That I'm a failure: that I'm failing you guys as a writer. For those of you who have stuck through with me thick and thin, thank you. Thank you so much for everything you've ever said or done that made me light up on grey days, make sunny days sunnier, for giving me inspiration for the future. Mum is not ending forever. I promise. I just need time to give my brain something else to brainstorm on, and this time, I won't make the same mistakes as I did before that gave me writer's block.
Now! What, you say Olivia? ARE YOU HINTING TO A NEW BOOK?
Why yes, child. I am. But we shall touch that later in this update.
SIS. Yes, you heard me. I speak of the first fan fiction, and BOOK, I ever wrote. GUYS WHAT.
Sis is FINALLY available on Amazon! Yes! This day has finally come! Almost TWO YEARS in the making!
Today I put it up on Amazon: it should be up in the next twelve hours. Couple notes before checking it out!
That book is ridden with mistakes. Grammar errors, spelling errors, you name it, we got it. I did go through and did some MAJOR edits to it, but, it's definitely not perfect! But you know what? That's ok. It's my first book, and it doesn't have to be perfect. It's only out there if you guys want to check it out. Hey! You could technically do a book report on it now, right? HAHAHHAHAHHA no pls. Much better literature out there to choose from XD but now you can have it on your electronic forever and ever, and someday, when I'm an author, we can look back at our first book we wrote together and have a good laugh and marsh mellows by the fire. But be sure to bring dark chocolate: I can't have a lot of chocolate high in sugar and caffine. Yes, I have problems. Deal with it.
Back to Sis!
Now, let's talk the price. Let it be clear to everyone on this planet of the internet that I DO NOT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT MONEY. It's priced at 0.99 cents. THAT'S AS MUCH AS A SONG.
Also, I don't get Royalties for the book because it's less than, what, a dollar? Two dollars? I only get 35% of all sales. Just making it clear. I do not care.
I mean, well heck I like money. What nerdy teenager wouldn't? I mean, have you ever been to Hot Topic or Claire's and wished you could buy the freaking store? HAVE YOU SEEN THE DOCTOR WHO DRESSES.
But like I will say on the first page of the book, Wattpad and Youtube is not something I now or ever plan to make money off of. It's a hobby now, and it's a hobby in ten years. Or whatever. Heck, in ten years I may not be able to afford a computer and will be a homeless person who makes a living solving crimes from her experience of Guess Who. Who knows.
BUT WHAT I MEAN IS where ever my channel or my Wattpad life goes, it's not a stress on me. Because it's simply for one thing, and one thing only: To have fun.
Alright! Let's do a recap: I have decided to STOP updating Mum, and now Sis will be available on Amazon within twenty four hours. Well, to add to this MASSIVE LIST OF EVENTS...
I have been brainstorming for a new book idea. A book idea that is, well, kind of my life, but will be SO much more cool and SO much more hipster because, well, it's Minecraft (YAY), and I won't be in it, but someone not a big dummy loser like myself, you will be blinded by her swegg. (Hate me for saying that, I have come late for the Internet party of Yolo Swegg and everything annoying to ANY NORMAL PERSON).
Enough! Both of you!
As I was saying (cursed ADD), the main character of this new book will be a friend of mine I've known since the beginning of my time on Wattpad: PossiblyAwesome.
PossiblyAwesome won first place in my first competition I ever had, to celebrate 20,000 reads on Sis (wow you guys have come such a long way). And first prize of the contest got the main character slot in my next fresh book.
Welp, it's here.
Other main characters in the book are people who have also won my past contests. But don't worry, not nearly all my slots are full. I'll be hosting something coming up for everyone to have an opportunity to have a character slot in my book ;).
So anyway guys, that's pretty much all I gots to say! I'll try to figure out how to work Twitch on my computer so you guys can get a lot more info about the contest/ mystery thing I won't say about for now, uh... (You know you love me...)
So pray for me that I can get this thing working! Because I am as good at computers as I am cooking. (You hear that guys? Who wants toast for every meal for the rest of their lives? BURNT TOAST ;'D)
Ok, wow, I have dragged this out way to far. Thank you guys so much for how much you've changed my life, how much excitement and meaning you've given me to pour my soul into something I love. Thank you. Excited for the new things coming up! Also, I AM NOT DEAD :D
Alright guys, I'll see you in a little bit with more!
Don't do Drugs.
Brouwer Power.
I love you my peeps <3

Mum(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) (Sequel to Sis and Bro)Where stories live. Discover now