35 || A.L.I.E 2

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"WE THINK RAVEN WANTED TO USE THE WRISTBANDS TO MAKE AN EMP," SINCLAIR EXPLAINED. Wow, an EMP. I never would have thought of that. I have to hand it to her, Raven's one smart girl.

"Raven is stupid-brilliant," I chuckled.

"Meaning what?" Bellamy, who was much less familiar with mechanical engineering, asked.

"A targeted electromagnetic pulse that could destroy the chip's circuitry," I explained, repeating Sinclair's explanation to me, hoping it was understandable to the others.

"We could use this to send an EMP along Raven's own nervous system," Sinclair added, holding up the wristband that Clarke had found for us. "Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external input and attach a battery."

"But what would that do to her?" Clarke asked worriedly.

"EMP's don't effect our bodies. But I don't know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain," Sinclair admitted.

"This was Raven's plan," Bellamy commented. "She wouldn't do it if it was gonna destroy her brain."

"Depends how bad she wanted it out," A new voice entered the room. Octavia.

"Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk," Said Sinclair.

"Where do we get one?" Asked Clarke.

"The Ark?" I guessed. It was just an educated guess, but I'm pretty sure it was a correct one. The Ark was a space station, it had to have had an electromagnet somewhere.

"Yes, the Ark. Every station had a pulsed inductive thruster for maneuvering," Sinclair elaborated. Sinclair and I always worked well together. Two heads are better than one.

"Arkadia's out of the question. It's too dangerous, you heard them," Bellamy pointed out. Where else could we get an electromagnet?

"The dropship." I exclaimed before turning to Sinclair. "It's from the Ark. It's a ship. It would have thrusters like the Ark, right?"

"That's good." Sinclair praised.

"How the hell do you know that?" Monty asked me.

"Bellamy gave me books to read in lockup and one of them just happened to be the Ark's maintenance manual."

Bellamy shrugged sheepishly as his sister sent him a look as if to say 'why the hell would you give her a maintenance manual?'

"Anyways, I'll go salvage the magnet," Sinclair volunteered.

"No," Monty protested. "You should stay with Raven and figure out how this thing works. I'll take the rover. Be back by the time you finish the device."

"I'm going with you," Octavia and I said at the same time. No one seemed to protest, although Bellamy seemed hesitant. Monty nodded and we walked out the door.

Monty drove, Octavia rode shotgun and I sat in the back seat. There was barely any talk between the three of us. Octavia and I were mostly there for Monty's protection.

"Hey, O," I spoke up. She hummed in response. "Um... I'm sorry. About Lincoln." I felt it was only right to give my respects.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

"Um... How did he... What happened?" I stuttered, trying to approach the subject gently, unsure what to say.

"Pike put a bullet in his brain," She answered bluntly. I hated Pike. So much. Lincoln was like family to me. And now he's dead. And it was Pike's fault. Next time I see that ugly, phony Chancellor, Grounder hating asshole, I was going to kill him. I don't care that I'm using bad words, there aren't enough of them to describe him.

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