8 || rampage

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"BRING THE GIRL OUT, BELLAMY!" Murphy shouted. I was in Bellamy's tent with Clarke, Finn, Charlotte and Bellamy, the big kids were deciding what to do about Charlotte and Murphy and I have no clue why I was in there, I just was. I swear I don't go looking for trouble, I just always find myself in the middle of it.

"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy asked the twelve year old murderer desperately.

"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me," Stress was evident in her voice. I can't believe she could be that stupid.

"He told me to slay my demons too and you don't see me running around stabbing people, do you?" I retorted. 

"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke spat. 

"She misunderstood me. Charlotte, that is not what I meant." Said Bellamy.

"Yeah, no kidding." I muttered under my breath, earning glares from Charlotte and Bellamy.

"Bring the girl out, now!" Murphy boomed from outside the tent. Obviously I didn't want Charlotte to die, which would definitely be her fate if we handed her over to Murphy. With that being said, she didn't deserve to just walk free either.

"Please don't let them hurt me." Charlotte begged.

"If anyone has any bright ideas speak up." Bellamy said to the people in the room. When no one spoke up he scoffed, "Now you stay quiet?"

"Those are your boys out there." Finn snapped.

"This is not my fault. If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall," Bellamy bit back.

"Okay, but you're the one who stood there and let it happen. You're the one who kicked the crate from underneath him!" I snapped. I hope he enjoys his permanent vacation on my bad side because he is definitely not getting off it anytime soon.

"You wanna build a society, Princess?" Murphy was still yelling from outside. "Let's build a society, bring her out!"

"No! please, Bellamy," Charlotte trembled.

Bellamy bent down to her height. "Look, Charlotte, her, it's gonna be okay," He assured her softly. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he could be so gentle with a murderer. I'm not saying she deserved to die like Murphy was saying, but he was babying her as if she didn't know what she was doing was wrong. He put his hands on her biceps comfortingly. "Just stay with them." He was talking about Clarke and Finn.

Bellamy slipped out of the tent. "Go. Be careful," I said and hugged Finn and Clarke. They ducked out of the back of the tent with Charlotte. I stayed in the tent for a moment, trying to process the whole situation and figure out what to do.

I heard Murphy screaming outside the tent. "Cowards! All of you!" I opened the flap of the tent and stood just outside it to see the commotion.

"It's over," Bellamy said sternly, chest-to-chest with Murphy. John Murphy was usually a nice guy to me but this boy in front of me, the boy who want's to kill a twelve year old girl — I couldn't recognize him behind all of the anger and rage and betrayal he was hiding under. But to be honest, I didn't entirely blame him.

"Whatever you say, boss," Murphy muttered. Bellamy turned to walk away but Murphy had other plans. He grabbed a short log and whacked it over Bellamy's head, causing him to fall to the ground, semi-unconscious.

"You son of a bitch!" Octavia screamed and charged at Murphy. Jasper stepped in front of her protectively, earning a punch in the face from Murphy.

I rushed to Bellamy's side. Jasper was on the ground too, Murphy and his boys looked in the tent for Charlotte. When he discovered her absence he screamed, "Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay!" Then he and his crew marched into the forest, torches lit and hungry for revenge.

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