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"TAHLIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" A panicked Octavia asked. "Everyone was going crazy when they realized you didn't come back."

"I was talking to Murphy for a minute or two after everything happened, and then on my way back, I went the way where you pass the lake and the Grounder took me," I didn't tell her that Lincoln spoke to me, or about his interest with my blood. In fact, I left out a lot of details. She would tell Bellamy and then Bellamy would go on a man hunt for Lincoln and never let me leave camp again.

Octavia took a moment to process everything. She looked down at her leg and put a hand to it. "He fixed it..." She muttered.

"You should have heard how loud you were screaming," I laughed in attempt to lighten the mood.

Octavia's eyes fell to my wrists which were still chained up. She grabbed them and tried pulling the chains off, with no luck, she huffed and hit her fist on the wall.

"Hey, it's okay. He didn't hurt me," I reassured her and gave her a hug - well, as best as you can give a hug when your hands are tied together. "You need to get out of here, okay?" 

"We need to get out of here, T," She corrected. The thing is, I didn't really want to go. I wanted to know more. I needed to know more. I needed to know more about my blood, about why it's important and what it has to do with the Grounders.

I didn't object what she said, instead, I simply nodded. "So... he didn't hurt you?" Octavia asked. I shook my head 'no'. "And he fixed my leg?"

"I guess not all Grounders are bad," I shrugged. I noticed she had a wound on her head, it was hard to notice because she was covered in dirt. "O, your head," She put a hand to the wound and winced with an 'ow'. 

I stood up and grabbed some kind of animal antler off of a shelf to use as protection. Octavia managed to stumble up and do the same. We creeped into another 'room' of the cave. Above us was some kind of hatch, Octavia reached up and pulled on the hatch in attempts to open it. It was locked.

I kicked a rock in anger. We were never going to escape. Not that I really wanted to escape, I just wanted Octavia to be able to. She didn't deserve to be here.

We started creeping back to the other room of the cave when Octavia suddenly came to a halt. It was hard to tell what she was doing in the moonlight but she was staring at wall of rocks and moss. "O, what is it?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Help me," She ordered and started digging through the dirty boulders and bits of moss. I wasn't too sure what she was doing, but I obeyed and started doing the same as she was.

We dug at bits of moss and dirt, Octavia had laser focus and didn't utter a word. Finally, two rocks fell from the wall, I had to stand on my tip toes to see it but there was some kind of hole inside the gap. Octavia ripped out some more moss and greenery.

"Okay, get in," She ordered.

"No." I said firmly. "You need to get out of here."

"I'll be right behind you. Go," She shot back firmly. I had this feeling in my gut she was lying.

"Then you get in first. O, you need to go. Before the Grounder gets back," I actually didn't mind Lincoln, I just couldn't let her think he spoke to me.

"Why?" Octavia argued.

"Because just because he didn't hurt me, doesn't mean he won't hurt you. I'm claustrophobic anyways, and I can't reach up there and you're too weak to lift me up," I reasoned. Octavia looked worried and scared as she contemplated what I had said. Eventually she sighed and gave in.

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