7 || who did it

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IT'S BEEN FOUR DAYS SINCE MINE AND BELLAMY'S FIGHT. The only words that have been spoken between us was when I said 'thanks,' when he gave me a piece of meat. I hate not speaking to Bellamy but I'm not going to apologize. Why should I? He's supposed to be the adult and he's in a fight with a seven year old.

He still tries to protect me though, he just does it 'secretly'. He makes sure I don't see all the little things he does but I do. Like yesterday when he got one of his boys to make sure I don't leave camp, I mean he literally had the kid watch me all day. And no I'm not making this up, Jasper told me he overheard them talking.

Jasper's doing much better too, he's up and talking and walking around. He has a wicked scar too. I was happy to see how fast he recovered. Clarke is a really good doctor.

Since Wells died right outside the wall, the whole camp has been on edge. Bellamy has been using that to his advantage, using the fear of Grounders to get people to work for him. He and Murphy have some kind of  system going. Behave; you get good chores, misbehave or don't do your chores right; you get bad chores. Good chores are easy stuff like water duty or lookout. Bad chores are things like building the wall or the dreaded latrine duty.

I've been getting pretty easy chores, right now I was helping Jess with water duty. Even though I've been slightly miserable about Bellamy, I've got closer with a lot more people — Monty, Jasper, Finn, Fox, Roma, even Murphy. I'm happy to have friends, even if they're ten years older than me. I'm not so sure they see me as a friend though. What if they only see me as an annoying little kid that just hangs around them?

"Hey, excuse me?" A sassy voice broke my thoughts. "Sorry, Princess Tahlia, am I interrupting your thinking?" She said sarcastically.

"Sorry, Jess," I laughed. "What were you saying?"

"I was saying, we need to go to the lake tomorrow. We're running out of water," She said as she poured some water into one of the big buckets.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah, sure." I smiled as I finished making another cup from drop ship metal. "This cup's a bit too small, don't you think?" I showed it to her.

"I think it makes larger cups feel better about themselves." She smirked.

"Smaller cups need love too, you know?" I joked.

"Hello, ladies," A raven-haired boy walked up to us, faking a posh accent.

"Hey, Finn," Jess greeted.

Finn lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed and squealed, hitting his back. "Put me down, Finn!" I giggled.

"Never!" He taunted and poked my sides, tickling me, which only made me laugh and squeal even more. 

"Jess, help me!" I laughed. She just shook her head and giggled.

Finn eventually put me down, we were all out of breath from laughing.

"Hey!" I heard Murphy yell at a kid who had fell over while carrying a log. "You think the Grounders are just gonna wait for us to finish the wall?" He asked rhetorically. "Maybe we should let the little girls do the lifting for you, huh?" He gestured to me and another girl who was tying some wire around branches; Charlotte.

"He's such an ass," Jess muttered as we got back to work.

"He's not that bad sometimes," I reasoned.

"Yeah, key word 'sometimes'," Finn chuckled before spotting a certain blonde (no, not myself or Jess). "Hey, I'll see you guys later," And with that he walked off towards where we bury our dead. Where Wells is buried. Clarke was probably there, she didn't take Wells' death very well, she's been visiting his grave every day and replaces the flowers on it.

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