6 || wells murphy bellamy

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I HAD ANOTHER NIGHTMARE. I wasn't sure why they had come back all of a sudden, but I was not a fan of it. I figured they would go away eventually, like they did last time. But for now, I was just going to have to deal with being tired from no sleep. 

I got up, careful not to wake Jess or Harper. I didn't want to just lay in bed, bored. I decided to walk around camp and see if there was anyone else awake.

Something everyone has agreed on is that people rotate on lookout every night. Right now, it's supposed to be Wells' turn. I don't have any issues with Wells- sure, I hate his dad but I know it isn't Wells' fault that his father's a butthole. I'm not so sure Wells likes me though, he's barely said two words to me the whole time we've been down here. Then again, neither have more than half of the delinquents. 

I decided to at least try to talk to Wells, he seems like a nice enough guy. I tip-toed outside, just outside the wall. It hurt a bit to move but I didn't mind. I spotted Wells on the ground. He must've fallen asleep while he was on lookout. 

"Psst," I whisper-shouted. "Wells."

He didn't wake up.

"Wells!" I whispered a little louder, not wanting to wake up the rest of camp.

He didn't wake up.

It's strange, I overheard Clarke saying something about Wells being a very light sleeper- maybe he's not a light sleeper after all.

"Wells, wake up!" I whisper-shouted again. "Bellamy's gonna kill you if he finds out you fell asleep!"

He didn't wake up.

I creeped over to where he was laying on his side and crouched down, I nudged his shoulder.

He didn't wake up.

I nudged him again, slightly harder this time. He flopped over, now lying on his back.

He wasn't breathing.

I looked a bit closer, my whole body trembling- I noticed something on his neck. On his neck was a hol. A stab wound. Part of his shirt and his hands were covered in blood.

He was dead.

Everything after that was a blur. I let out the loudest, most horrendous, bloodcurdling, petrifying scream that anyone had ever heard. I probably not only woke up the entire camp but the Grounders too.

"Lia?" Bellamy came rushing over to me, among a few other people. "Lia what hap-" He stopped himself. "Oh my God."

"Is that..." One of Bellamy's boys started, but never finished.

"Wells," Finn finished breathlessly.

"Murphy, get her out of here. You three, take his body and bury him," He ordered his boys. "Tahlia, what the hell were you doing out of bed in the first place? I told you to come to me if you couldn't sleep." He bent down to my height.

I didn't — couldn't say anything. I was frozen in shock. I wasn't close to Wells at all but he was dead. The Grounders killed him. They killed him so easily that the rest of camp didn't even see or hear. And I was the one that found him. That showed just how easily they were going to pick us off one by one. My eyes were glued to Wells' lifeless body as he was carried away.

"Alright, c'mon, kid," Murphy said softly, patting my back twice. I didn't budge.

"Tahlia, let's go." He said with a little more of a demanding tone this time. I still didn't move. Murphy put his hands under my arms and hoisted me up, resting me on his hip. My eyes didn't move from where I stared, they were glued to the spot Wells was laying. Even as the guys lifted his body up, taking him away, my eyes were still looking at the ground where he died. Blood stained the grass beneath him as I continued to stare until it was out of my view.

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