34 || A.L.I.E

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"Because I said so," Clarke deadpanned and made the horse go faster.

"But it would make everything so much easier. Instead of having to find Lincoln and then getting him to take us to this Natblida who probably doesn't even want to be Commander, we could just stick the thing in my head and get it over with," I reasoned.

"I said no. Do I make myself clear?" Clarke bossed.

"Ugh, you sound like Bellamy," I grimaced. 

It took us a whole day and a half to get back to Arkadia. It was nightfall by the time we made it and the place seemed oddly quiet. I noticed that the guards weren't on patrol as usual, which was strange. We dismounted the horse at the treeline and walked up to the gates.

All of a sudden, the gates to Arkadia were shattered with a large crash. Sparks flew everywhere and pieces of metal were thrown all over the place. I was blinded by the bright glow of... headlights?

"Jasper?" Clarke asked, stunned. I was too small to see who was driving the rover. It must have been Jasper. We rushed to the passenger side door. "Jasper, what's going on?" Clarke demanded.

"Get in!" Jasper shouted frantically, unlocking the door to allow us to open it. Clarke didn't get in, though.

"You don't understand, I need to see Lincoln-" Clarke was cut off by Jasper's rushed shouting.

"You don't understand, Lincoln is dead and we will be, too, if you don't get in, now!" 

I didn't need to be told twice. I jumped in the rover as I heard gunshots from behind us.

"Why are they shooting?" Clarke asked, her voice rushed and loud, full of adrenaline. Jasper turned the keys in the ignition, only to have the engine sputter. 

"What do you mean Lincoln's dead? That can't be!" Clarke panicked. Wait, Lincoln's dead? I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even hear Jasper say it. No. He can't be dead. 

"Suddenly, you don't understand what 'dead' means?" Jasper shouted.

"We need him to take us to Luna!" I yelled in denial. "He's the only one who knows where-"

"Shut up! I don't care, okay!" Jasper snapped, screaming louder. It scared me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Jasper had never yelled at me. Ever. I climbed into the back of the car where an unconscious Raven laid. I didn't bother asking questions.

Jasper was still struggling to get the vehicle to start. Someone had ran up to the back of the rover and opened the door. I kicked him in the chest, causing him to fly back as Jasper finally got us to drive off.

I looked out at the gates of Arkadia where a large crowd of disturbingly happy people stood. They all seemed... like they were being controlled.

Tears were streaming down my face from when Jasper had snapped at me. He genuinely scared me. I hated being screamed at, especially by people I've looked up to. I was also upset about Lincoln and Lexa, but I couldn't be. A warrior doesn't mourn the dead until the war is over.

That being said, we weren't technically in a war. But we might be.

We drove in silence until Clarke spoke from the front seat. 

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