18 || mount weather

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I BLINKED A FEW TIMES FOR MY EYES TO ADJUST TO THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE ROOM. I sleepily opened my eyes and above me was a bright white ceiling. I turned my head and saw that I was surrounded by porcelain white walls. To my right was a small arm chair and to my left was a toilet and a sink. Everything in the whole room was a blinding snow white.

I could feel a dull, subtle, bruise-like pain in my arm and looked down to see that I was attached to an IV. I was lying in a slightly uncomfortable hospital bed, similar to the ones we had in Medical on the Ark. I looked down and noticed I was no longer wearing my own clothes, but instead a white tank top and white shorts, which were surprisingly very comfortable. I saw that all the mud and dirt that was on my body was now washed off and my hair had been taken out of it's two braids and was now down and clean.

Where am I?

I was trying to remember the last thing that happened before I blacked out. We were looking for Clarke and Finn. The people in the hazmat suits... they had Monty... I killed three of them. And then I blacked out.

I killed people. I'm a murderer.

Where's Monty?

I pulled the IV out of my arm and stood up. There was a door in the middle of the wall in front of me so I made my way over to it and tugged on the handle, only to discover it was locked. I groaned in annoyance and impatience and started banging my fists on the door in attempt to either break it down or have someone come and open it.

The door was made out of some kind of metal and obviously, a skinny little seven year old like myself would not be strong enough to break down a huge metal door. I tried getting on my tiptoes to see through the small circle window at the top of the door, but I was still too short.

I yelled in anger and hit my fists on the door even harder. All I wanted was to find Monty and get out of whatever this place is. When the door obviously wasn't going to budge any time soon, I looked around for signs of any other ways I could get out. Maybe a window or another door.

I had the idea to take apart the IV pole and use it as a weapon but it was no use, I was too small. I huffed and paced around the room, trying to make sense of what I could do. I wondered where the hell I was and why I was here.

I paced around the room for a while, driving myself crazy before giving up and falling onto the chair in the corner of the room out of exhaustion. After forever, I heard a buzz, much like the buzz we would hear when the guards would open the door to our cell in the Skybox. It was like deja-vu.

Three more of the hazmat suit people came barging in, two with some sort of guns aimed at me while the one in the middle had nothing in their hands. The suits they were wearing were different to the ones that were in the forest. These ones were blue with yellow gloves, unlike the tan colored camouflage ones the other people had worn.

The people's breathing was heavy through their masks and I knew I had two options. One — I could let them kill me in here or do whatever they were going to do. Or two — run. I went with the better option and with all my energy, sprinted towards the door they were blocking.

I managed to slip between two of the people and rushed out the door, diving to dodge their reaching hands. I was in a long white hallway and noticed a sign on one of the walls. Mount Weather Quarantine Ward.  

Mount Weather? The place we were supposed to go on our first day here? 

There was no time for questions, I could hear the people running after me. "Tahlia Roberts, stop right there!" A man's muffled voice shouted through their mask. How did they know my name?

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