19 || space girl

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"ALRIGHT, LET'S MOVE ON TO THE TOUR," SAID KEENAN WITH A WIDE SMILE. She just finished telling me about Mount Weather and explained that my information pack would be ready soon. She informed me that Mount Weather was built before the bombs and that their people couldn't survive outside due to the radiation.

I didn't really like this lady. It was something about her chirpy, overly-forced, happy personality. To be honest, I found it rather disturbing. It seemed so... forced. How can someone always be so happy?

We made our way through the halls and stopped at one of the usually grey concrete corridors, but this one had been decorated with papers and bright colors, unlike the rest which were just plain old grey with the exception of a possible painting or sign.

"This is the preschool. It's for ages four, all the way up to nine. If you'd like, we can enrol you, too. You would make lots of new friends and learn some new things." Keenan suggested, flashing her pearly whites. Before I was arrested, I was only able to get two years worth of schooling. I learned a lot in my dad's workshop, but apart from that, the only education I received was from books given to me by Bellamy.

"Um.. Sure," I reluctantly agreed. I guess school wouldn't be too bad. I knew it would be a breeze but at least I might get to make some new friends.

"Well, you can start today if you would like. I'm sure the rest of the tour can wait," Said Keenan. 

"Um... Okay," I said, but didn't really have much of a choice as Keenan was practically shoving me inside.

Through the door was a colorful classroom. Around twenty children were seated at tables while a pleasant looking young woman stood up front. I felt shy around these children. With the hundred, everyone was at least double my age, which for some reason made them easier to talk to. One thing I knew about kids my age is that they could be very judgmental.

"Oh, hello, Keenan. To what do we owe the pleasure?" The woman at the front of the classroom paused her lesson and turned to us standing in the doorframe. 

"Hello Miss Peterson." Keenan smiled. "This is Tahlia. Would it be alright if she joined your class today?"

"Of course!" The woman, Miss Peterson smiled. It was a genuine smile, unlike Keenan's. "The more the merrier."

"Alright, Tahlia. I'll send someone to meet you here after school is finished. Have fun." Keenan smiled and walked out the classroom, the heels of her shoes clacking against the concrete floor.

"Tahlia, is it?" Miss Peterson asked. I nodded shyly. "I'm Miss Peterson. If you could just take a seat next to Jonathan, that would be lovely. Jonathan, please raise your hand so she knows where to sit."

A boy who looked to be around eight or nine years old raised his hand. He had warm, dark skin and wore a simple green collared t-shirt and tan pants. I reluctantly made my way over to the empty seat beside the boy.

"Hi, I'm Jonathan," The boy offered his hand to shake, his voice raspy and nasaly. The teacher continued with her lesson which was about the planets of the solar system. I knew school was going to be easy but I thought at least some of it would be challenging. I learned everything about all the planets when I was three, which wasn't hard since I literally lived in space.

"Tahlia," I greeted back quietly and shook the boy's outstretched hand.

"So are the rumors true? Are you really from outer space? From the ground?" The boy asked in anticipation, keeping his voice a whisper as to not disturb the class. I held back a laugh at his admiration. I nodded my head and his expression turned to amazement as if this was the most exciting thing he had ever learned.

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