15 || bridges and old friends

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"YONGON, YOUR HEAD," Lincoln said in a hush tone. My head? What's wrong with my head? I furrowed my eyebrows, unsure of what he meant. "Hide your blood." He said quickly before turning around.

Shoot, I forgot about my blood. I snatched Clarke's bag and luckily she had an alcohol-soaked piece of cloth. I quickly wiped the cut on my head and hoped I got all of the blood off.

I could hear the distant clicks, clacks and thumps of the Grounder's arrival from the forest on the other side of the bridge.

The Grounders arrived at the bridge. Riding horses. My mouth dropped in awe of the stunning creatures. I had always wanted to see a horse. I had read about them in stories, always the trusty companions who get the protagonist wherever they need to go.

Before us were three Grounders. The middle one was a woman, mounted on a brown stallion. There were two larger Grounders on either side of her, sitting on black horses. I could just tell the woman was the leader. The way she held herself made it obvious.

The Grounders had weapons which they weren't supposed to. Technically I was breaking the rule too but I only had a knife, these guys had spears and bows and swords.

"Hey, we said no weapons!" Finn argued, jogging up to us.

"I was told there wouldn't be," Said Lincoln.

"It's too late now," Clarke sighed.

Clarke began walking up to Anya, hand in hand with Finn. Lincoln grabbed Finn's shoulder before they could go any further.

"She goes alone."

Finn gave Clarke a concerned look. Clarke reassured him she would be okay. With Clarke's words, Finn reluctantly let her go. 

The woman Grounder dismounted her horse, her eyes landing on me for a short moment before facing Clarke an meeting her at the center of the bridge.

I couldn't hear their conversation but after a few minutes of them talking, Clarke quickly jogged up to us.

"She wants to talk to Tahlia," She said with uncertainty in her voice. I froze in my place. Was she gonna kill me? Everyone else seemed to tense up as well.

"Why?" Octavia asked. Clarke shrugged, her face filled with worry. Lincoln looked to Anya, who was glaring at me before turning back to me. He looked at my face before muttering something under his breath.

"Guys, Grounder Princess is getting impatient." Octavia urged. "What do we do?"

"She has to go. Anya will kill you all if she doesn't get her way," Lincoln said, fear and guilt filling his voice. He looked to me. "Be careful, young one," He whispered.

I was on the verge of tears, I was so scared. I shook my thoughts, took a deep breath and put on my bravest face, even if it was face. Clarke grabbed my hand and we walked to the middle of the bridge where the Grounder lady stood with her head held high.

I gulped as we approached her.

"Your name is Tahlia?" The woman said more as a statement rather than a question. I nervously nodded, avoiding all eye contact with the Grounder. She swiftly snatched my arm and whipped out her knife. I'm gonna die.

She didn't kill me. Actually, she didn't even hurt me. "Clarke! Tahlia! Run! Run!" Jasper emerged from the bushes below us, along with Raven and Bellamy, taking Anya's attention away from me. They started shooting at the Grounders and the Grounders started shooting arrows and spears at us.

"Clarke, get down!" Finn yelled and started running up to us. I didn't waste any time and sprinted over to the others, waiting for Clarke and Finn to catch up with us so we could all get the hell out of there.

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