Chapter 1- A new friend

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People piled out of the green-painted doors, jumping into their parent's cars or making their own way down the road, excited to go home and get away from the hell that they more commonly named 'school'. It was 3pm on a Thursday, and everyone was ready for the weekend. Just one more day to go.

The trio made their way out of the school, one of the girls, Ava, adjusting her bag over her shoulder as she ran to catch up with the other two, Jessica and Melvin, who always seemed to stroll much faster than her.

"Hey Melvin!"

The trio turned around, Jessica sighing as she stood still, glaring daggers into the two boys who were approaching them.

"What do you want Braxton?"

Melvin eyed them, cautious of the two boys.

"Well, me and my buddy Malcolm here want to know what Melvin is up to tonight! We're allowed to ask right?"

Melvin stepped forward towards them, upset that he was facing harassment once again. "You guys aren't bothered about what I'm doing. You just want to wind me up and try and torment Ava and Jessica in the process. Leave us alone."

"Ooohhh he's finally standing up for himself without his two girlfriends helping him." Braxton exclaimed giddily, nudging Malcolm's side playfully, who laughed and grinned in return.

Melvin shook his head, beginning to walk away. Ava and Jessica stared at the two mischievous, grinning boys before following Melvin out of the school gates, leaving Braxton and Malcolm to stand there smirking at them.

"What is with those guys?" Ava asked quietly, sighing.

"I dunno, but they're asses and need to grow up a bit. We're all eighteen and in sixth form, not six and in primary school." Jessica answered.

Jessica was always the most confident out of the three. Ava was the more silent type and so was Melvin, however over time he had gained just a bit more confidence, especially when it came to standing up to Braxton and Malcolm, who made it their daily mission to torment him.

"I hope they stop. They're so annoying." Melvin mumbled.

When Melvin arrived home, he entered into the living room, spotting his mother sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

"Hey mam." Melvin said as he placed his backpack onto the sofa and sat down next to it, pulling out his mobile phone from inside the bag to check his social medias.

"Hello sweetheart. Was school okay today?"

Melvin turned to her. "Yeah it was alright. Braxton and Malcolm are still being nuisances though. I don't know why they do it. They're not even bullying me, they're just tormenting me. I just don't get why they do it." Melvin trailed off, thinking about the two boys.

"Just ignore them sweetheart. They'll leave you alone once they're not getting the attention they want."

Melvin leaned back on the sofa, sighing. "Yeah you're right."

As Melvin's mother continued watching TV and Melvin continued scrolling through his Twitter and Tumblr, he discovered a comment on one of his Tumblr blogs. It was a blog about ignoring bullies and people who torment for their own sad entertainment.

'Great blog! Would love to hear more about your experiences.'

Melvin clicked on the profile and glanced through it. Their profile picture consisted of a black motorbike, but as Melvin looked through the profile, there were barely any posts. All the posts were either pictures of cars and motorbikes, or songs. Melvin clicked on one of the songs, and placed his white earphones into his ears.

Sound came through and the music was pretty good. The beats of the song interested Melvin and the voice that appeared through the song sounded deep, yet young.

Clicking on the 'message' button, Melvin inhaled and exhaled deeply, nervously, as he began typing.

'Hey! Thank you so much for your comment.'

Melvin soon received a message back.

'Hey dude! No worries. You're a very talented writer.'

Melvin thought they were sweet. He never thought much else about it.

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