Chapter 4- Companionship

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It was currently warm on an early Saturday morning. Melvin was sitting downstairs with his mam, drinking tea and watching TV. That's all his mam seemed to do nowadays, and it created a very cold, boring house to be in. It was especially like this, as they had both just received the bad news that Melvin's dad would be away for an extra day, out in his truck delivering goods. That's probably why his mam wasn't saying too much, he assumed anyways. This wasn't the first time she'd been quiet after receiving the news that her husband wasn't returning home for the weekend.

Lachlan had once again made a comment that morning about meeting, and how he is only half an hour away from Melvin. Melvin entertained him by questioning how they would meet, where they would meet, and what they would do.

'I can't drive yet, but I can meet ya on the bus, if you promise to meet me there. We can chill in a café in your town if ya like.' Came the response.

Melvin had actually began feeling a bit more excited about meeting Lachlan, even if he was still a bit nervous. He knew he probably shouldn't meet Lachlan, as he had only known him for a day or two, but Melvin was desperate for friends, especially guy friends, and stupidly, he decided to meet him.

'Alright. Sounds fun! I'm nervous but really excited lol. I really want more friends so don't let me down!' Melvin joked to Lachlan.

'I won't :)'

Before Melvin could think of a response, he received another message.

'I'm waiting for the bus now. See ya soon!'

Melvin nearly dropped the phone in shock. He wasn't expecting it to be so soon, and he felt he barely had any time to prepare.


"Yeah?" She mumbled.

"Lachlan wants to meet today. He's waiting for the bus now."

She turned quickly to Melvin. "I know you want to meet him but you barely know him!" She exclaimed.

Melvin felt torn. "I know, but, he sounds really cool, and I'll be careful. I'm meeting him at the bus stop and we might go to the café up the road.

His mother shook her head before taking a glance at the TV. "You've only known him for a few days. I know he's close, but be careful eh. You have no idea who he could really be."

"I promise I will be careful mam. He's just dropped this on me. I thought we would be meeting at a later date but he seems eager and I don't really want to let him down."

"That's fine then. Just be careful." With that, the conversation ended.

After half an hour, Melvin's phone pinged. He looked down at his lit up phone.

'Coming into Maryport now. Be ready to meet me at a bus stop and make sure I can see you!'

Melvin's breathing hitched in his throat as butterflies exploded in his stomach. This was way too soon for him and he felt terrified, but forcing himself up off the sofa, he told his mam he was leaving, before grabbing his phone and leaving the house, his body slowly turning to jelly.

He eventually arrived at the small bus stop at the top of his road, and waited there impatiently. He had never felt so nervous in his life, and hoped that Lachlan was as cool as he thought, and as nice.

A few minutes passed by, and a blue and orange bus came into view, making its way slowly up the hill. Melvin's stomach exploded with butterflies once again.

The bus stopped, and three people climbed their way off. An elderly man with a walking stick, his hand shaking as he walked on by, a woman carrying three shopping bags with a little girl bouncing by her side, and lastly, a tall boy with short fluffy brown hair, and a black leather jacket to compliment it. He smiled charmingly at Melvin, and Melvin breathed out deeply. He wasn't sure how to feel.

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