Chapter 12- The autumn killer

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'Hey :). What are your plans for today?'

'Not much! Probably just going to watch TV with mam. You?' Melvin texted back.

'Not much here either :) I'll probably just tidy my house up a bit. Give it a bit of spring cleaning eh.' Lachlan answered.

'Awesome! Have fun! Can't wait for us to hang out again!' Melvin responded.

It rolled to night time once again. The stars were out once more, sparkling beautifully in the night sky. Lachlan was on another mission that night.

Lachlan drove his black Ford Focus car into the night, his headlights shining out onto the road like two lighthouses. His eyes remained in front of him; still, focused, on the road ahead.

He glanced out of the window, watching the trees go by as he neared his location.

Upon arriving there, he spied around him before opening his car door and climbing out, taking another look to make sure that no prying eyes were watching him.

When he felt certain enough that nobody was around, he walked cautiously behind the car and opened the boot, eyeing up the two bodies that were staring back at him as if they were still alive.

Dragging Malcolm's body from the boot, he easily lifted him up and carried him to his desired location in the forest, not too far away from the car. When he returned, he did the same with the woman. Stumbling slightly this time as she was a few inches taller than Malcolm, and more heavier than him too.

Once he was confident that the bodies were in the right area, he returned once more to the car, grabbing the shovel from the boot and then closing the boot of the car, marching quietly over to the bodies, not wanting to spend too much time in the forest in case somebody did come along, despite it being after 1am.

Getting to work, he began digging the hole.

Throwing two bodies into a hole in the forest did not phase Lachlan in the slightest. The average person may believe that he had done this once before, but this was in fact his first time killing and burying two people, those who wronged him. One who, despite being a bully, was still naïve, and the other, the woman, too naïve in believing that rejecting Lachlan's romantic advances was acceptable.

After a few hours, He had two people 6 feet down in dirty soil. He just had one more to go.

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