Chapter 9- Pressure

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It was a Saturday morning once again. To Melvin, the week had flown by so fast since leaving school, and he was ready for the outside world. However, there was one big dark, cloud hanging over him. Finding a job.

Melvin wasn't the shyest person. He had certainly gained confidence since he started spending time around Lachlan. However, he still had a nervous streak in him and the thought of finding a job and working with people he'd never met gave him a boost of anxiety. He hadn't much time to think about that today though, as Lachlan was arriving later on in the evening to take Melvin out for a drink.

Melvin didn't tell his mam the full story however.

"Mam, Lachlan is coming over later and we're going to hang out somewhere."

"Where are you going?" Sheila asked, coming into the living room and handing Melvin a cup of tea.

"I'm not sure. I think we're going to his place again."

"Aww well that will be nice. It's good you're spending time with a guy for once instead of hanging out with girls all the time." Sheila remarked.

Melvin was slightly taken back by this. "Ava and Jessica are my best friends. They gave me a chance when no one else did. I'm happy being with them. But you are right. It's good to spend time with a guy."

Sheila nodded, understanding that her comment may have been taken differently to what she was meaning. She loved that Melvin had friends, even if they were girls, but it was nice to see him hanging out with a guy for once.

"What time will you be home?" Sheila questioned.

"I'm not sure about that either, but I can come home at nine if you like?"

"Noo come home at around ten. I want you to have fun." Sheila smiled.

"Thanks mam." Melvin nodded.

That evening at 6pm, there was a short yet loud knock on the front door. Melvin jumped up from his seat on the sofa, grabbing his jacket and his phone and checking to make sure his wallet was inside his jacket pocket before quickly throwing his jacket on, rushing to the door.

"See ya later mam!"

"See you kid. Have fun. Make sure you're home around ten 'o'clock."

"I will!"

Melvin unlocked the front door and was instantly greeted with a grinning Lachlan, buzzing with excitement.

"Ready for tonight?"

Melvin nodded and shut the front door, leaning in close to Lachlan.

"I told mam I'm hanging out at your place. I didn't want to tell her we were going out drinking." Melvin whispered.

"Why not? You're pretty much an adult." Lachlan whispered back.

"I know. I just don't want her to worry." Melvin finished, ushering Lachlan up the path so they could move on with the drinking. Melvin was actually quite excited. He'd never drank alcohol before, but Lachlan had convinced him that it's something you 'Must try!'

After the short, 20 minute walk into Maryport town, they headed to their pub of choice. 'Bottom Tap' it was named. A small but comfortable pub near the docks. It corresponded with two other pubs, nicknamed 'Top Tap' and 'Middle Tap', two pubs further away from 'Bottom Tap', closer to town.

The environment was completely new to Melvin. He had been in pubs before, but never to drink alcohol. It was only for a meal with his parents.

"Hey kid! You can't be in here!" A booming voice echoed through the air.

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