Chapter 5-Tag, you're it

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It was now Monday, and Melvin was walking into school with his two best friends, Ava and Jessica. He had spent most of Saturday night and all of Sunday talking to Lachlan, Lachlan repeating quite a few times how much he enjoyed his day with Melvin, and how he couldn't wait to do it again.

Melvin was starting to feel much more comfortable with Lachlan now, and all his worries washed away as he got more used to talking to him. He really liked Lachlan, and Lachlan was the only thing Melvin could think of all day.

He didn't have a crush on him, he was just happy that he had someone as amazing as Lachlan who he could call a friend.

"Well, not much happened on my weekend! I just played with my dog in the garden all day. It was a nice day on Saturday wasn't it!" Ava spoke excitedly.

"It was a gorgeous day. I didn't do much either to be honest. I just focused on revising and doing an assignment. What did you get up to Melvin?" Jessica asked.

Thinking about his Saturday, Melvin smiled as he walked through the school canteen with Ava and Jessica.

"I hung out with my new friend who I met on Tumblr. He came on the bus from Workington and I met him at the bus stop at the top of my road. He's actually really cool!"

"Brilliant Melvin. It's about time you found a guy friend. It can't be nice hanging out with us girls all the time." Jessica nudged Melvin with her elbow, smiling.

"Well. I like being with you guys. You guys have been my only friends for years. We've practically grown up together." Said Melvin.

"You've totally got to tell us all about him in tutor!" Ava blurted out.

"There's not much to say to be honest! We just hung out in my room all day and played video games. Mam ordered us pizza and chips too. I really like him." Melvin grinned as he opened the door to their tutor, holding the door for them before finding his seat and sitting down, placing his bag on the floor.

"Well, I'm happy for you." Jessica nodded, following Melvin's actions and sitting down next to Ava, placing her bag on the floor.

"He's actually meeting me after school tonight, so you might get the chance to see him."

Jessica paused, slowly looking at Melvin. "Don't you think he's moving a bit fast." She laughed. "You've only known him for a few days."

"Yeah but he's really awesome and I like him." Melvin shrugged.

"Yeah that's fair enough." Jessica mumbled.


Melvin's school day went well. It was rather uneventful, and Melvin didn't even see Braxton or Malcolm all day. That was until it was home time, when they pounced.

"Melvin!" He heard a well-known voice shout.

It took him a moment but observing his environment he spotted Lachlan, leaning against the school gate, wearing his black leather jacket.

Melvin's face lit up as he practically jogged over to him. "Hey Lachlan!"

Jessica was struck with an instant crush as she eyed up Lachlan.

"Wooww he is handsome." Jessica whispered to Ava, who nodded in agreement.

"He is. I still prefer Melvin though." Ava giggled.

Lachlan winked at Jessica, causing her face to slowly turn a pink colour as she tore her eyes from him quickly and stared down at the concrete floor below her.

As they all gathered together Lachlan smiled politely at Ava and Jessica.

"Nice to meet ya ladies!"

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