Chapter 13- Alibi

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"It's been about two days since Malcolm went missing." Melvin said down the phone.

"It's very unusual isn't it? He is a teenager though. He probably just went somewhere, or ran away or whatever."

"This is serious stuff though. I know he bothered me but I don't feel like he could do this. Ah I'm not really sure. I guess I don't know him that well to be honest." Melvin sighed.

"Everything will be fine." Lachlan reassured. "He's probably just at a mate's and hasn't told anyone."

"That's the thing though Lachlan. He did tell someone." Melvin became agitated, almost hissing down the phone. "He told his dad that he was hanging out with someone from school called Lachlan. I know you hate him. Did you do something to him?"

"What!? How dare you! After everything I've done for you and you're accusing me of this shit!" Lachlan growled, but upon realising what he had just done, he calmed down, and said in a gentler tone; "Look. I'm sorry, okay? Yeah I hated the guy but it wasn't me that did anything. There was probably a dude named Lachlan at your school. I don't even know how to contact the guy. Do you really think I would do this? Come on Melvin, you know me." Lachlan whispered.

Melvin sighed again, butterflies entering his stomach just like they did when Melvin met Lachlan for the first time. He shook his head in sorrow.

"I'm really sorry Lachlan. I really am. I am so sorry for accusing you."

Lachlan's lips tugged at a smile. "It's alright mate. I forgive ya. Just please don't accuse me of shit like this because like ya say, this shit's serious."

Melvin nodded. "I'm really sorry Lachlan." Melvin mumbled quietly, regretful of the accusations he had just made against his best friend.

"It's alright mate. Listen, I've got to go. Got parents coming over today, so uh, I'll see you maybe tomorrow or something?"

"Yeah. That'll be nice." Melvin whispered before hanging up.

Lachlan stood in his kitchen, staring at the phone as Melvin hung up.

He didn't want Melvin involved in this.

But he did want to involve one other person.

He rang Melvin back, impatiently waiting for him to answer.


"Heya again mate. Listen, I know this sounds odd, but if the police ever come and ask you what you know, and if you know anyone from school called Lachlan, you won't drop me in it will you?"

"No of course I won't. I promise. I know you haven't done anything."

"Cheers kidda. You're a good lad."

Lachlan hung up and took a deep breath in.

His next mission would be a challenge.

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