Chapter 7- Missing

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It had been a month since Melvin had met Lachlan online, and in real life. Melvin was very happy that he had finally found a new friend who liked him for him, and who didn't torment him endlessly like Braxton and Malcolm did.

"He's really lovely isn't he?" Sheila said as she finished placing the rest of the groceries in their respective spots; The bread in the bread box, the butter in the fridge, the sugar in the black tin next to the bag of teabags.

"Honestly mam he's so awesome. I'm so happy I met him. I feel so comfortable around him now." Melvin smiled, thinking of Lachlan, who had currently just arrived.

'Hey! Just head upstairs and I'll be up shortly with drinks! Do you want tea or coffee?' Melvin asked him.

'Coffee please.' Lachlan replied.

Melvin was always filled with excitement whenever he and Lachlan met up, and Sheila could see this clearly.

"I think you've made a very good friend." Sheila rubbed her son's hair affectionately as she passed him to place the shopping bags in a box, ready to be used again.

"Me too mam." Switching the kettle on, Melvin grabbed two cups from the draining rack and placed them down on the counter, grabbing the rest of the ingredients afterwards.

"I'll be in the living room Melv. Thanks for the help and thanks for the cuppa." Sheila rubbed his hair once more as she passed into the living room.

As Melvin was making the two teas and the one coffee, Lachlan was finding his own work.

He paced around Melvin's bedroom, peering at every ornament, every picture hung up on his walls. He payed attention to everything, taking in every detail that his eyes could witness. Everything in the room became of importance to him.

His footsteps were almost silent as they crossed over the floor, becoming completely silent as they passed over the white rug. Lachlan eyed Melvin's computer with curiosity. He took a step forward.

"I've got the drinks!"

Lachlan jumped, and quickly turned around not expecting Melvin to be behind him.

"Thanks dude!" Lachlan straightened his black leather jacket, taking a deep breath to calm his speeding heart rate.

"Sorry. I hope I didn't scare you too bad." Melvin bit his lip nervously as he held out the coffee for Lachlan.

"Nah you're aight." Lachlan gladly received the coffee, inhaling the strong scent.

Melvin sat down on the edge of his bed, blowing his tea gently before taking a small sip.

"It'll be getting cold again before we know it. Wanting anything in particular for Christmas?" Lachlan turned on his heels to look at Melvin.

Melvin gawked up at Lachlan as he took another small sip of his tea.

"It's only June!"

"So?" Lachlan shrugged. "It'll fly in kidda, trust me."

Melvin thought. "I haven't really thought about Christmas to be honest. I'm more worried about whether I'll pass my A-Levels or not."

"I'm sure you will! When do you find out?" Lachlan sipped his hot coffee.

"Soon. August I think. I'm leaving school this week."

"Cheers to that!" Lachlan shouted, clanking his coffee cup against Melvin's tea mug, taking a big gulp of coffee.

After swallowing, Lachlan pointed to Melvin. "Ey. When you leave school, why don't you and the girls come over to mine and we can have a bonfire and some hot chocolate. I can add some marshmallows in too if ya's want."

Melvin's eyes lit up excitedly. "Oh my god that would be an awesome celebration! I'll just quickly pop down and ask mam."

Jumping up swiftly, Melvin placed his mug on his desk before running downstairs to his mam, who was watching TV.

"Mam. Since I'm leaving school this week, Lachlan is inviting Jessica, Ava and I to his house to have a bonfire! Can I go please?"

Sheila turned to him, grinning. "Of course you can!"

"Yes! Thanks mam!" Melvin exclaimed before closing the door and running back upstairs into his bedroom.

"She said yes!"

"Awesome dude! Can't wait!"


Lachlan didn't stay for tea that night. He explained to Melvin and Sheila that he had some stuff to do before the night arrived, so Melvin and Lachlan waved a quick goodbye to Sheila before heading over to the bus stop, Melvin feeling very excited about his soon-to-be celebration with his best friends.

"Alright! I'll see ya later kidda!" Lachlan shouted into the warm air as he hugged Melvin goodbye. Melvin returned the hug, feeling comfortable with the affection.

Upon Lachlan climbing onto the bus, Melvin's phone beeped.

Lachlan payed for his ticket and waved goodbye to Melvin, who returned the gesture before walking back home, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check the message.

Jessica- 'Has Lachlan gone home yet?'

Melvin- 'Yeah! Just said bye to him as he got on the bus. Have you and Ava answered his messages that he sent you about the celebration?'

Jessica- 'Yeah! Ava messaged me and told me! I've been busy today so I haven't been on my phone much. We are so going! Are you going?'

Melvin- 'Yes I am! I am so excited. It's happening on Friday!'

Jessica- 'I can't believe we're officially leaving school on Friday. We're free!'

As Melvin entered his garden and strolled into his cream-coloured house, he sent Jessica a quick red loveheart emoji, and bounced happily into the living room, attracting the attention of his mother.

"You look happy!" Sheila stated.

"I'm really happy mam. We're all leaving school on Thursday and I'm super excited to go to Lachlan's with Ava and Jessica and have a bonfire!"

"Well. It's been ages since you've properly hung out like that." Sheila said. "It will be good for you. Just make sure you're home by at least eleven pm. And you'll have to borrow the house keys so make sure you don't lose them or you'll be in trouble mister."

"I won't I promise! I'm just so excited."

'Reports say that the woman has been missing for at least a week now, and nobody is aware of her whereabouts.'

"Turn this up please mam." Melvin asked politely.

Sheila turned the TV up.

'Her neighbours became concerned as they had not seen her for four days. When one neighbour went to check on her, there was nobody at home. Police also confirmed this as they also went to visit Megan. They also confirmed that there was no break in, and that she has possibly been missing for longer than four days. The police urge the public to contact them immediately if they spot her, or if they have any information on her whereabouts.'

An image of a young woman with long blonde hair and light green eyes appeared on the TV. She was smiling, full of innocence. Her eyes shone brightly with vigour.

"Poor lass. I hope they find her wherever she is."

"It's awful isn't it." Melvin shook his head sadly. "So many crimes are happening in these small towns now. I hope she's okay too."

"Well. Let's just hope she is found safe and sound." Sheila sighed as she placed the remote down on the armchair of the sofa before standing up. "Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Yes please." Melvin nodded.

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