Chapter 3- See you tomorrow

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"I'm home mam!" Melvin shouted from the hallway as he threw his bag on the stairs, making his way into the living room and plopping himself down on the sofa.

"Hello darling. Have a good day at school?" She questioned, looking over at him.

"I did. I ignored Braxton and Malcolm today too and I actually felt so good after it. They definitely didn't like the fact that I didn't give them the reaction they wanted." Melvin spoke proudly.

Melvin's mam smiled at him before turning back to the TV. "I told you they'd leave you alone if you ignored them."

The conversation died quickly after that as his mam was more engrossed in the TV, so before heading upstairs Melvin decided to make himself a cup of tea, switching the kettle on and getting his ingredients out and preparing his tea before finishing it completely after the kettle had boiled.

Making his way upstairs, he took one last glance at his mam, who was still watching the TV intently.

Melvin felt a small sadness wash over his as he entered his bedroom and closed the door. He loved his mam, and he knew that she loved him, but he just wished that she would talk more to him. She seemed more bothered about the TV nowadays. Melvin's dad was a truck driver, spending long weeks away from the two of them, but he would usually return on weekends, but not all of the time.

Unlocking his phone, his phone was flooded with notifications ranging from likes and reblogs on his blogs and posts, and a few messages from Lachlan, which all stated that he hoped that Melvin was having a good day and that he was looking forward to speaking with him again, and that he was hoping that the boys at school weren't being too much of a bother.

Too excited to climb out of his school uniform, he instead laid on his bed, messaging Lachlan straight away.

'Hey! School was great thank you. I hope you're okay and had a good day too. The boys tried to bother me, but I just ignored them and they didn't like that lol.'

It didn't take long for Lachlan to message back.

'Hey dude! Pretty awesome stuff! Don't worry about those guys because they're pathetic and will be nothing when they leave school.'

Melvin laughed quietly at this. He hadn't known this guy for long, but he knew that he already liked him. He felt safe and happy with him.

'Hey. I'm in Workington. A small town in Cumbria. Where do you live?'

Melvin's feeling of safety subsided slightly. He had only just met this guy, and wasn't too keen on telling him where he lived, but, thinking that not much would come from it, he told him anyways.


Melvin could feel his hands shake slightly. He was actually quite happy that this guy lived near him, but Melvin still had no idea who he was. However, he was afraid of losing Lachlan, and felt like he had to go along with it.

'We're quite close :). We should meet up sometimes.'

Taking a deep breath, Melvin sat thinking of the right response, but he wasn't entirely sure what to say.

After a short minute of thinking, he headed downstairs. He had a decent relationship with his mother, and he wanted to confide in her and see what her response would be.

He tiptoed his way into the living room, slightly peering around the door to see what his mam was up to. She was still watching TV.


His mother kept her eyes on the TV for a moment before slowly turning to him, lightly smiling.

"Uh." Melvin kept his right hand on the door, watching her. "I met this guy online and he wants to meet. What do I do?"

Her eyes turned back to the TV.

"Meet him if you want. How old is he? Does he go to school?"

"Well. He told me he's twenty, but he doesn't have a job, and he doesn't go to college or anything. He told me he lives in Workington. I actually really like him. I'm just a bit nervous."

His mother remained silent for a moment, once again more interested in the TV.

"Well. It's up to you. If you want to meet him, then meet him. Please be careful though darling."

Feeling slightly awkward, Melvin nodded before telling his mam he loved her, and headed back upstairs to tell Lachlan his decision.

'Meeting might be really fun, however we've only just met though?? Is it really a good idea to meet right now?'

The replies suddenly became very silent and for a short while, Melvin didn't receive a message back, so he began working on his revision for his A-Levels.

As he revised, his phone suddenly pinged and he instantly picked it up, reading the message.

'I think it's a wonderful idea :) Let's talk more about it tomorrow. I have stuff to do.'

Taking another deep breath, Melvin sent Lachlan a thumbs up emoji before continuing on with his revision, an uncomfortable but excited feeling sitting in his stomach.

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