Chapter 17- All I wanted to do was protect you

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As Ava and Jessica were tempted outside by the police negotiators, Lachlan still had his gun leaning against Melvin's cheek.

"I've ruined everything haven't I Melvin." stated Lachlan.

Melvin listened to Lachlan, calming down his breathing as his eyes gently darted to the side of Lachlan's face.

"Why have you done this?" Whispered Melvin.

Lachlan sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know Melvin. I wanted to look after you. To protect you. I guess I just did it the wrong way."

Melvin looked away, staring at the window as it flashed red and blue, the negotiator's voice being carried away by the wind, his words almost imperceptible. Or perhaps Melvin was dissociating. Everything seemed foggy, but it was a clear day.

As Ava was rushed to one of the police cars, she was wrapped up in a blanket to comfort her. Her and Jessica were both in shock, and Ava was finding it hard to tell the police what had happened as Jessica wrapped her arms around her comfortingly.

"We'll need you both to tell us what happened when you both can. There's no rush though. The neighbour told us Lachlan pulled a gun out in his living room, so we've taken a statement from them already."

Ava and Jessica were silent as the police stood around, keeping an eye on them.

"Come out with your hands up in the air!"

"Please Lachlan. We need to go." Melvin whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

"There's nowhere to go." Lachlan answered back. "The only way is out through the door. Unless we go the back way and run."

"I'm talking about giving yourself up Lachlan."

The room was silent as Lachlan stared at the window.

"Please Lachlan."

A police officer walked over to Ava and Jessica who were sitting cuddled up in a police car. Jessica raised her head slightly at the sound of the police man's footsteps.

"We've called both of your parents. They'll be here soon."

Jessica nodded and the policeman walked away.

A while later, both Ava and Jessica's parents turned up, almost speeding onto the street as they arrived there as quick as they could, diving out of their cars and rushing over to their daughters, holding them tightly and crying.

"Please Lachlan. Let's go." Melvin mumbled.

Lachlan's eyes appeared empty as he stared in front of him, his brown eyes losing the charm they once had.


Melvin looked at Lachlan, nodding and smiling lightly.

"Yeah. Let's go."

Lachlan slowly stood up, still holding the gun to Melvin's head as they both began slowly walking out of the room and tiptoeing down the stairs, the house silent apart from their gentle footsteps.

Entering the kitchen and leaving the kitchen, Melvin's stomach churned with butterflies as he peered around the kitchen wall that led to the living room. He could see police officers everywhere, guns armed and ready to shoot if need be.

"Lachlan I'm scared." Melvin lifted his hand over his mouth, holding back tears.

"Don't be. Everything will be okay." Lachlan muttered as he lightly pulled Melvin into the living room with him, cautiously watching the police officers.

Opening the front door, Lachlan stepped outside, pulling Melvin with him before lifting his arms above his head, blinking around him at the many people who were waiting for his next move.

Police officers rushed over, ripping the gun from his hand and throwing his arms behind his back, handcuffing him in an instant. Melvin was whisked away by another police officer.

Melvin watched as Lachlan was marched away by two police officers who both held onto his arms, Lachlan turned back to Melvin and mouthed 'I'm sorry' as he was pushed into the police van, one officer pushing his head down to prevent him from hitting his head on the top of the van doors.

"Is there anyone else inside?" Questioned a police officer.

Melvin shook his head, silent.

Red and blue lights echoed through the streets, painting the dull-coloured houses. Police cars pulled away, armed officers lifted their guns into their cars before also driving away, Ava and Jessica's family continued hugging their daughters. The van containing Lachlan drove away, police ran into Lachlan's home, guns out as they rummaged through the house, finding any and all weapons. Melvin stood, dizzy as the day caught up with him, rain hitting his face as he closed his eyes, blocking out everything.

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