Chapter 6- Mr. Charming

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"Oh! Lachlan messaged me last night by the way." Ava said as she bit into her pizza, covering her mouth.

Melvin looked up, tilting his head slightly. "Really? What on?"

Uncovering her mouth, she finished her bite and swallowed. "On Tumblr. That's where you met him isn't it?"

Melvin paused, thinking. He was quite curious as to why Lachlan would befriend her.

"What did he say?" Jessica asked from across the round, blue canteen table.

Ava shrugged. "He just asked me how I was."

"And what did you say?" Jessica questioned.

"I just told him that I was okay and thank you for asking. He didn't say anything else after that."

"I could always text and ask him what's up, if you're worried." Melvin said.

"I mean he's okay. I'm not mad or upset or anything. I was just curious." Ava shrugged again.

The trio sat in silence, eating their school pizzas. However, Melvin was already on his phone, trying his best to secretly text Lachlan, and ask what exactly was going on.

'Hey dude, sorry to ask but Ava told me you messaged her last night and asked how she was. How did you find her account?'

Melvin felt a bit stupid as he sent the text. He sounded so petty and jealous, but he wasn't trying to sound that way. He was just very suspicious. Although by now, he wasn't completely surprised as to him, Lachlan was a very over-the-top person who was extremely confident in himself and his actions, so Lachlan's message wasn't much of a surprise to him when he soon received it.

'Hey kidda! Well when I met the chicks, I thought they were pretty sweet! I couldn't find Jessica but I did find Ava so I thought I'd shoot my shot and send her a lil' message :)'

Melvin couldn't help but feel slightly creeped out. Lachlan was 21 and even though Ava was technically an adult, being 18 years old, something still felt off to him. However, he still liked Lachlan, and didn't want to upset him or irritate him, so feeling torn, he just sent Lachlan a quick, unconfrontational? message back.

'That's alright! We were just curious that's all.'

Suddenly, Melvin saw a hand in front of his face and he quickly looked up to the source.

"If you're busy texting Lachlan then can you ask him if he can follow me? He's a fancy boy." Jessica winked, which made Melvin involuntarily shiver.

"I can try." Mumbled Melvin, peering back down at his phone.

'Hey you don't have to but Jessica really wants you to follow her. Her Tumblr @ is @JessicaLawrenceTalks.'

'Sure. I'll send her a follow now!'

Immediately after one minute, Jessica clapped her hands in excitement, grabbing her phone and showing Ava her screen from across the table, before turning it to Melvin, grinning.

"He followed meeeee." Jessica squealed.

"Wow Jessica, that's the most amount of emotion I've ever seen you have." Melvin joked.

"Oh be quiet. If you were followed by a handsome devil like Lachlan then you'd be excited too!"

Melvin glanced down at his phone.

'Has she got it? :)'

'Yeah. Thanks! She's very happy.'

In his bedroom, Lachlan nodded, smiling lightly as he read the notification.

With a flick of his index finger, he turned his attention to Ava and Jessica's Tumblr pages, scrolling through.

"Let's see what we can find here eh."

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